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Accredited organisation


Asociación Residui Teatro

calle Ercilla 48, local , 28005, Madrid, Spanje - +34910290385

Beschrijving van de organisatie

The association of Residui Teatro was born in Spain in 2011. It has more than 2500 members who participate in or attend activities of the association.

The association focuses on the fight against discrimination and marginalization using art as a tool for personal transformation as well as transformations of communities. The activities of the association are open to people of all ages with or without functional diversity.

General objective

Supporting vulnerable communities in their process of development through high quality, non-formal educational projects. The projects focus on social change and the strengthening of educational, social, civic, and cultural skills and competences.

Using theater as a tool to raise awareness of issues of social, economical, political and educational impact, and to create a dialogue between groups - whether they are vulnerable or not - developed through artistic activities that allow reflection and that have an active impact on a change in behavior in the communities of the participants.

Promoting meeting spaces to people from different countries to acquire new points of view; to remove linguistic and social barriers; to offer possibilities of change; to train and find new opportunities to develop professional goals, needs, personal concerns and to be able to transform conflictive contexts.

Performing educational and awareness-raising shows on topics such as: the defense of human rights, non-violence, dissemination of the charter of children's rights, gender identity, fight against discrimination, awareness of the issue of climate change, etc.

Performing training and training activities; creating an international network of collaboration between artists and activists; supporting education and training projects through the field of art in Europe, the Americas and Asia; carrying out theatrical projects in urban spaces; performing co-productions; sending and receiving volunteers and interns; encouraging the development of youth projects; generating development promotion activities in rural areas; developing solidarity projects focused on vulnerable groups in as well as outside Europe.

Nationally, in Spain, the association works with: Roma communities, refugees within CARs, guests of senior centers, people with functional diversity, family homes and shelters for teenagers from troubled families, educational centers, schools, and the Arganzuela district in Madrid.

Outside Spain, the association collaborates in solidarity projects with: indigenous communities in Peru, communities affected by the armed conflict in Colombia, shelters for adolescents in Guatemalan streets, training and education centers for children and adolescents in Indian streets, art education schools in Colombia, etc.

The association carries out projects in the field of art and education collaborating, among others, with:
Fundación Plena Inclusión Madrid; Asociación Los Mayores también cuentan; Centro de Mayores Peñuelas; Center for Nonviolence through the Arts of Darpana Academy (Ahmedabad, India); Instituto Británico Lima (Perú); Teatr Brama (Polonia); Scuola Statale italiana Madrid; NTF; Coordinadora Estatal Comercio Justo (España); Fundación Masnatur (España); Oxfam (España); Médicos sin Fronteras (España/ Italia); Cemea del Mezzogiorno (Italia); CNR (Italia); Payasos sin Fronteras (España); Soccorso Clown (Italia); Payaso Salud (España); Universidad Complutense (Madrid); Universidad Autónoma (Madrid); Universidad Carlos III (Madrid); Universidad Nacional (Colombia); Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia); UAM (México D.F.); Instituto Helénico (México); Instituto Hemisférico de Performance y Política (America); AECID (España, Nicaragua, México, Perú); Centro Cultural Venancia (Nicaragua); Asociación Bachi da Setola (Italia); Escuela Pública de Animación-Educación en el tiempo libre de Madrid (España); ESAD Murcia, ESAD Cáceres, RESAD Madrid; Teatro de la Abadía (Madrid); Grotowski Institute (Polonia); Goethe Institut (Madrid); Ministry of Employment, Tourism and Culture of the Community of Madrid and the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

Since 2009 Residui Teatro has been directing the Center for Handicrafts of the Performing Arts (CAAE) which is the operational base of the association in Madrid. CAAE aims to be an open space for the neighborhood; offering activities, free events and a wide range of recreational and cultural proposals such as a library specialized in alternative education through the arts. It proposes activities that promote critical thinking and education which, through art, facilitate the development of the neighborhood. Residui Teatro gives the spaces of CAAE to carry out activities that participate in the development and the well-being of people.



  • Deze organisatie heeft het kwaliteitskeurmerk van het Europees Solidariteitskorps gekregen. Dit keurmerk garandeert dat de organisatie in staat is projecten uit te voeren volgens de beginselen en doelstellingen van het Europees Solidariteitskorps.

Soort activiteit Vrijwilligerswerk

Rol Vervaldatum
Hosting 31/12/2027
Ondersteuning 31/12/2027

Organizacja wiodąca

PIC: 947302389 OID: E10165455