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Accredited organisation

Contextos - Cooperativa para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão Social, CRL


Rua Dr José de Matos, 17, 4º Direito, 8000-503, Faro, Portugalia - +351 911725377

Descrierea organizației

CONTEXTOS - Cooperativa para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão Social CRL is a non-profit cultural cooperative with its head office in Faro, Portugal. CONTEXTOS develops different projects and activities that aim to contribute to the resolution of diverse societal and territorial needs and challenges, promote the development of competencies and capabilities of individuals and organizations, and foster the empowerment of young people. Currently, the projects and activities of CONTEXTOS focus, mainly, on the topics of communication and digital transition, culture, training and education, and employment/entrepreneurship, and active citizenship and participation. All the initiatives developed by CONTEXTOS are based on the principles of Human Rights, equality, social inclusion, and intercultural dialogue, and follow transversely the principles of non-formal education.

CONTEXTOS develops youth-related projects:
1. Promoting activities targeting young people;
2. Supporting young people in their initiatives;
3. Providing learning opportunities through volunteering projects;
4. Supporting young people's participation in decision-making processes;
5. Promoting good practices and co-management mechanisms involving young people.

CONTEXTOS believes in networking and the creation of long-lasting synergies. It cooperates with different public institutions, schools, universities, VET centers, and other NGO's; and is a member of different networks, namely DYPALL – Developing Youth Participation at the Local Level, Rede MOVE – Algarve Network of Youth Organizations and Organizations for Youth, and CLAS – Local Council of Social Work of Faro Municipality.

The CONTEXTOS staff team is composed of 4 full-time professionals. CONTEXTOS also has the support of other collaborators and volunteers, that meaningfully contribute to the success of the projects, through their motivation, experience, and skills. Team expertise in implementing and managing the following types of projects:
1. Training Courses - local, international, residential, and non-residential;
2. Youth / Community Initiatives;
3. Youth Exchanges - local and international;
4. Volunteering Projects - local and international;
5. Youth Democratic Citizenship Processes & Structured Dialogue;
6. Workshops & Seminars - local, international, residential, and non-residential.

  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027
De sprijin 31/12/2027

Organizația responsabilă

PIC: 916291974 OID: E10196092

Tematica organizației

Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage

Community development

Digital youth work