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Accredited organisation



USTIE NAD PRIEHRADOU 41, 028 01, TRSTENA, Szlovákia - +421948849922

A szervezet leírása

Our organisation was founded in 2011 in Trstená (rural region Orava). Over time, we have grown into an organization that provides activities and services for young people from all over Slovakia. We build our work with young people on Christian Catholic values that are the core principle of our service for them.
Our main objective is to contribute to the personal growth of young people, so that they grow into young people who will combine character, positive values and engagement for the benefit of others in our region and also in whole Slovakia. Through various activities (workshops, experiential programs, non-formal education programs, inspirational activities, volunteering), we help young people build a positive relationship with themselves and others to find their place in the world, discover their personal mission and begin to live it.
In our work we focus on fulfilling these objectives:
Strengthen the mental health of young people so that they can think, feel and act healthy and build positive attitudes to themselves and to others.
To build the character and attitudes of young people so that they can live a life based on healthy values.
To strengthen, in particular, attitudes of solidarity and belonging so that young people realize their shared responsibility for the place where they live and are willing to engage personally for others.
To develop young people's sensitivity to the needs of others and increase their tolerance for differences.
To promote and support the involvement of young people in voluntary activities.
To connect non-formal and formal education so that the principles of non-formal education become essential part of school teaching.
To bring innovations to both formal and non-formal education, depending on current trends among young people.
To develop youth workers and teachers so that they can implement innovative approaches to their work and increase its impact on young people.
To strengthen international cooperation in the field of youth to bring innovative approaches to youthwork and to support mobilities of young people.
Our main target groups:
Young people aged 13-30: young people are the main target group of our organization and all the activities we carry out are aimed at supporting this particular target group. We focus on young people from all over Slovakia. We pay special attention to young people with less opportunities, especially:
1. Young people who come from the countryside and from rural areas where they do not have enough possibilities for their personal self-development.
2. Young people who come from socially disadvantaged background - from broken families, families with addiction, from orphanages etc.
Youth workers: youth workers are an important target group for us because they are the ones shaping the developing of young people.
Pedagogical and professional staff of schools: young people spend a large part of their time at schools, so it is important for us to form also this target group to change their attitude towards young people and have a positive impact on them.
Main activities of our organization:
Experiential and non-formal education programs: we implement programs for young people that use the methods of experiential pedagogy and non-formal education. These programs are designed for non-formal groups of young people, for individuals, as well as for classes. Our programmes are designed as one or multi-day programs. The main objective of these programs is to promote mental health, build character, attitudes and values, and develop sensitivity.
Educational workshops and seminars for young people: occasional non-formal learning activities on various topics of character building and supporting young people's entry into society.
Inspirational activities: inspirational evenings, inspirational conference K.R.O.K., live libraries on the topics of overcoming obstacles and on the topic of choosing a profession, etc.
Community center’s activities: supporting children and young people coming from socially disadvantaged background, after-school tutoring, work with families in need, streetwork activities, food collections etc.
International activities: training courses for youth workers, youth exchanges, solidarity projects, strategic partnership projects to bring innovation to youth work.
Voluntary activities: connecting volunteers with organizations, implementation of long-term and short-term volunteer opportunities, volunteer tastings. Personal development of volunteers, linking volunteering and the labor market.
Educational seminars, workshops and conferences for youth workers and teachers: in topics of innovative approaches in youth work in formal and non-formal education, mentoring support.
Cooperation with local governments and local authorities in setting strategies in the field of youth work and in the field of volunteering.

  • Ez a szervezet az Európai Szolidaritási Testület minőségi védjegyével rendelkezik. A minőségi védjegy tanúsítja, hogy a szervezet képes olyan projekteket szervezni és megvalósítani, melyek összhangban vannak az Európai Szolidaritási Testület elveivel és célkitűzéseivel.

Alkalmazási kör Önkéntes tevékenységek

Szerep Akkreditáció lejárata
Hosting 31/12/2027
Támogatás 31/12/2027

Irányító szervezet

PIC: 946307848 OID: E10098066

Tevékenységi területek

Community development

Key competences development

Quality and innovation of youth work