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Accredited organisation



MOLENSTRAAT 62, 2460, KASTERLEE, Belgien - +3214558410

Beskrivning av organisationen

ADJ (Algemene Dienst voor Jeugdtoerisme - General Department for Youth Tourism) is a non-profit organisation, entrusted with the exploitation of the youth centres owned by the Flemish Government:
● the domain for youth, youth groups and education de Hoge Rielen in Kasterlee;
● the centre for youth, art and creation Destelheide in Dworp;
● the educational centre Hanenbos in Dworp.
ADJ is funded by the Flemish Government to offer affordable/cheap stays through the provision of infrastructure and services to youth groups. This funding is based on a grant agreement for 4 years.
It’s important that the domains are adapted to the needs and expectations of young people. Participation of young people therefore plays an important role in our organisation, as youth is our biggest and most prominent target group.

ADJ consists of 2 entities but encompasses 3 centres at different locations:
● de Hoge Rielen (dHR) - this entity coincides with the centre of de Hoge Rielen, a huge domain of 230 acres.
● Destelheide & Hanenbos (DH & HB) - the entity DH & HB consists of 2 different centres, about 3 km away from each other but they are centrally run.
de Hoge Rielen
De Hoge Rielen is located in the municipality of Kasterlee, in the province of Antwerp, Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. The municipality is situated about 85 km from Brussels, the capital of Belgium. The domain is 230 hectares in size and as such one of the biggest youth centres in Flanders.
On the vast domain you can find 17 residential buildings, 17 campgrounds, a camp tower and a hostel. During a regular year the centre hosts almost 130.000 guests and welcomes more than 30.000 day guests. The educational department coaches 664 workshops a year and provides more than 1.100 loan materials and trunk activities. There is also a sports hall which can be (partly or entirely) rented, suitable for multiple indoor sports.

The main objective of de Hoge Rielen is offering and providing qualitative accommodation (buildings and camping grounds) for groups and individuals. dHR mainly hosts schools, youth organisations, sports- and socio-cultural associations, but also families, companies and individuals can rent a building or ground on the domain.
De Hoge Rielen takes care of providing good maintenance of the lodges, giving people a warm welcome, preparing meals with attention for ecological principles, creating an active and educational outdoor program. Indeed, the centre also offers groups the possibility to do outdoor activities, exploring and discovering the huge domain. Also groups that don’t stay on the domain are able to book an activity.
These activities are developed and organised by N&A. The educational department elaborates new activities and coaches the workshops and the various activities taking place on the domain. The N&A team members also coach the many volunteers - both ESC- and local volunteers.
The focus of the educational program is youth leisure and education through sports and outdoor activities. The purpose is to encourage independence, offering opportunities to discover and create unique experiences, reinforcing group feeling and learning new skills. Learning by experience is one of the main driving principles.
Destelheide & Hanenbos
Destelheide is a centre for youth, art and creation, located in Dworp, 25 km from Brussels. It aims to offer and create an inspiring environment for artistic and creative activities for and by young people (particularly youth work and schools). The ambition is to be an innovator in art education with young people. The centre offers high-quality infrastructure in a green environment. The excellent facilities and services ensure a pleasant stay including catering and lodging accommodation. This spatial infrastructure facilitates the encounters between groups but also between groups and art(ists) in a playful way. Art and design should be an obvious part of the centres' infrastructure. Driving force is Dharts - the Destelheide arts educational department - that cultivates an inspiring environment, develops artistic trajectories with young people and artists and organises moments of art education to support, inspire and stimulate the residents in their own activities. Dharts organises expositions, masterclasses, artistic formations, artistic projects, try-outs from the artists in residence, international youth exchanges, … Dharts realises several exhibitions per year, about 30 residencies of artists of various disciplines, offering about 20 try-outs a year with about 1.000 attendees.
DH has a lodging capacity of 240 beds, achieving approximately 35.000 overnight stays per year and 13.599 day guests (in a regular year).
Hanenbos focuses rather on recreation within an adventurous outdoor environment. The centre has an adventurous forest with a brand new forest experience trail and a rope trail. Hanenbos hosts about 12.000 overnight stays and 6.000 day guests a year.

  • Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärverksamhet

Roll T.o.m.
Hosting 31/12/2027
Stödjande 31/12/2027

Ansvarig organisation

PIC: 925710674 OID: E10077349

Organisationens inriktning

Key competences development

Quality and innovation of youth work

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide