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Accredited organisation

FORTES Impresa Sociale Srl

FORTES Impresa Sociale Srl

V.le G. Verdi, 64, 36100, Vicenza, Italija - +390444235067

Opis organizacije

FORTES Impresa Sociale SRL is a non-profit company based in Vicenza (Italy) whose purpose is to design and coordinate guidance, education and training projects for individuals, schools, local authorities and companies. FORTES implements activities to promote social integration and a better cultural and economic life of people, in particular for people with fewer opportunities. Its activities focus on the development of methodologies to overcome cultural barriers and practices that people may encounter when they approach to the labour market. FORTES has contributed to the study and implementation of techniques for the organisation of traineeships and for the recognition and certification of skills acquired during these experiences.
The main target groups towards which the action of FORTES is addressed are:
Young unemployed, NEET youngsters, and students of secondary schools, post-diploma courses and universities. Thanks to EU contributions, they may participate in projects whose main objectives are to support the acquisition and use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate their participation in the European labour market.
Foreign students, teachers and professionals who want to gain work experience and study in Vicenza.
Within the ERASMUS Plus program, FORTES develops and coordinates projects involving over 70 institutes of secondary and higher education in Veneto, Lombardy, Piemonte, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Tuscany, Campania, Sicily.
FORTES also acts as a hosting partner in mobility projects submitted by other European organisations. In Italy FORTES organises internships for teachers and students, including people with special needs, from other countries, providing them Italian language courses. Thanks to many years of experience in the organisation of school and school-work alternance, we can offer a wide range of internships in the Veneto Region and the surroundings.
FORTES is accredited by the University for Foreigners in Perugia for the release of CELI for the Italian language. In its headquarters it is possible, during or after the training in Vicenza, to carry out tests for the official certification of Italian language recognised by the State.
FORTES wants to support Educational Institutions of all Europe to realize projects which, through training and permanent education, would bring to a fair and sustainable growth, based on ethical and universal values. FORTES wants to support Companies, both profit and non-profit ones, to develop projects which would promote Corporate Social Responsibility as well as appraise their educational role and consolidate their relationship with the school environment.
FORTES wants to support the Territory and work in network together with all its actors in order to build new models of economic and social development based on the principles of responsibility, sustainability and efficacy.
This path led FORTES to be recognised as a Social Enterprise at the beginning of 2013, a significant qualification and legal status for organisations which, even if they are private and guided by entrepreneurial criteria, have an evident social purpose: through their activities they produce direct benefits for the entire community and disadvantaged subjects.

Področja vključevanja

Ta organizacija sprejema prostovoljce, ki zaradi osebnih okoliščin težje sodelujejo pri dejavnostih, iz naslednjih kategorij in za različne vrste projektov:

  • Kulturne razlike
  • Geografske ovire
  • Socialne ovire
  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

Področje Prostovoljstvo

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Hosting 31/12/2027
Podporna organizacija 31/12/2027
PIC: 949007843 OID: E10065989

Področja organizacije

Državljanska in demokratična udeležba

Community development

European identity and values