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Accredited organisation

Tallinna Päikesejänku lasteaed

Invaliidi 5, 10317, Tallinn, Estland - +3725074589

Beskrivning av organisationen

Our kindergarten have two buildings. One have 3 groups of kids and the other building have 4 groups of kids. Both of the buildings have outdoor areas. Kids are aged from 1,5 years old til 7 year olds. In kindergarten the kids learn math, Estonian language, environment knowledge, music, do art and P.E. Based on the teachers the groups go on field trips and use different learning environments and for the most part they have the chance to play and interact with others. Our kindergarten workers consider important that the decisions and agreements which are the result of cooperation will ensure confidence and through goal orientation we get to implement our mission. Our mission is that by providing kids a balanced, age-appropriate and versatile pre-school education in our kindergarten which is part of acquiring education (seeing the big and holistic picture).

Our vision is that we all work to ensure that all children in Päikesejänku kindergarteners can do well in later life.
Our mission is that together we create a happy childhood - a safe and modern environment for the versatile development of the child.

Our core values:
TRUST - open and benevolent, respectful relationships
HONESTY - bold and confident self-expression
CARE - noticing and recognizing well-being
SECURITY - we value the emotional and social growth environment and value safety
COOPERATION - we cooperate with colleagues, parents, other educational institutions and the public
CHILD CENTERED - We consider it important to learn through play and support the child's development

För alla?

Organisationen tar emot volontärer som av olika skäl har svårare att delta i olika aktiviteter. Det gäller följande kategorier och projekt:

  • Kulturella skillnader
  • Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärverksamhet

Roll T.o.m.
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 914252258 OID: E10102455

Organisationens inriktning
