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Accredited organisation

Yesil Bursam Dernegi

Yesil Bursam

Orhanbey Mah. Atatürk Cad. Koruyucu İs Hanı No:39 K:6 Büro No:289 Osmangazi , 16000, Bursa, Törökország - +902242213296

A szervezet leírása

Yeşil Bursam Association was created to present Bursa's history, saving culture and history of Bursa, create an awareness about environment in Bursa and organize projects. Also Yeşil Bursam Association assumed a bridge mission between community and state. Also Yeşil Bursam Assocition search some topics about problems of Bursa.

Our target group is children, youth, university students, refugees and fewer opportunities youth that lives in Bursa.

Our activities and projects are;

- Women in City life and Family Life
- Restoration in Yıldırım Mosque
- Support building of Timsah Arena Stadium
- Restoration in Muradiye and Hamzabey Mosques
- Supporting the establishment of Bursa Technical University
- Using Social Media for promotion of Bursa
- Supporting Gazete Bursa with news about projects
- Two Capitals United Project Veliko Tornova - Bursa
- European Union Youth in Action Program Action 1.2 Save Your Culture Save Your Heritage
- European Union Youth in Action Program Action 5.1 Youth Entrepreneurs in Europe
- Ministry of Youth and Sports Youth Projects Support Program Hak Elçileri Project
- Embassy of United Kingdom Support Program Youths are learning Human Rights

Our working areas:

- Youth and youth policies
- Intercultural learning
- Children
- European Union Projects
- Local Projects
- Promotion City of Bursa
- Creating news about volunary activites
- Foreign Language Speaking Clubs

  • Ez a szervezet az Európai Szolidaritási Testület minőségi védjegyével rendelkezik. A minőségi védjegy tanúsítja, hogy a szervezet képes olyan projekteket szervezni és megvalósítani, melyek összhangban vannak az Európai Szolidaritási Testület elveivel és célkitűzéseivel.

Alkalmazási kör Önkéntes tevékenységek

Szerep Akkreditáció lejárata
Hosting 31/12/2027
Támogatás 31/12/2027

Irányító szervezet

PIC: 932688951 OID: E10092032