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Accredited organisation

Young Men's Christian Association of Kyiv

13 Kikvidze Str , 01103, Kyiv, Oekraïne


Beschrijving van de organisatie

YMCA Kyiv is youth voluntary non-religious and non-political Movement, which unites young people to assist in their personal, educational development and growth, mutual help and social service. As a platform for the young people YMCA Kyiv aims to develop youth as an active citizen by including them into creation and implementation of the social projects. The target group of organisation is youth aged 15-30 years old, including young people with fewer opportunities.
Main areas of competence are: peace building, youth empowerment and social inclusion.
Referring to the areas of competence the regular programmes of our organizations are:
Nonformal educational programmes for children and youth
Young people's personal development trainings: "Youth Leadership", "Youth rights and Advocacy", "Training for trainers"; "Camp councelor trainings"
Social care at orphanages and centers for Internally Displaced People;
TenSing and Drama Studio;
Children and youth camps;
Civic engagement and Environmetal actions.
YMCA Kyiv activities are based on the following values: respect, responsibility, honesty and care.


Organizacja ta jest gotowa przyjąć wolontariuszy, których sytuacja osobista utrudnia im uczestnictwo w projektach. Do różnych rodzajów projektów mogą się zgłaszać osoby należące do kategorii wymienionych poniżej:

  • Różnice kulturowe
  • Przeszkody natury ekonomicznej
  • Przeszkody natury geograficznej
  • Deze organisatie heeft het kwaliteitskeurmerk van het Europees Solidariteitskorps gekregen. Dit keurmerk garandeert dat de organisatie in staat is projecten uit te voeren volgens de beginselen en doelstellingen van het Europees Solidariteitskorps.

Soort activiteit Vrijwilligerswerk

Rol Vervaldatum
Ondersteuning 31/12/2027
PIC: 916462791 OID: E10200562