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Accredited organisation

Asociacion de familiares de enfermos de Alzheimer de Leon

Asociacion de familiares de enfermos de Alzheimer de Leon

CALLE FOTÓGRAFO PEPE GARCÍA S/N , 24005, LEON, Spanien - +34987260796

Beskrivning av organisationen

Alzheimer León has been working for more than 25 years to improve the quality of life of Alzheimer sufferers and their families, as well as to raise awareness of the disease in society. The main aims of all Alzheimer León's efforts are:

- To improve the quality of life of people with Alzheimer's disease.
- To protect their rights and claim their needs.
- To support, inform and train families and carers.
- To encourage research and collaborate in the early detection of the disease.
- To train professionals in order to provide them with better qualifications.
- To have an impact on society in order to achieve responsible participation.

At present, the association has around 350 daily users, almost 1,100 members, two day centres in the city of León, a day centre in the town of Santa María del Páramo, owned by the City Council but managed by Alzheimer León, and a family respite unit in Cea. The association has a network of around one hundred volunteers.

Some of the activities carried out daily are: workshops in the memory unit, cognitive stimulation activities, gerontogymnastics, etc, in the half-stay unit, intergenerational games library, specialised internal and external training, etc.

För alla?

Organisationen tar emot volontärer som av olika skäl har svårare att delta i olika aktiviteter. Det gäller följande kategorier och projekt:

  • Ekonomiska hinder
  • Geografiska hinder
  • Sociala problem
  • Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärverksamhet

Roll T.o.m.
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 927203795 OID: E10093816

Organisationens inriktning

Hälsa och välbefinnande


Social assistance and welfare