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Accredited organisation

Ungdomsskolen Kolding, Kolding Kommune

Ungdomsskolen Kolding, Kolding Kommune

C. F. Tietgensvej 7C , 6000, Kolding, Tanska - +4579797070

Järjestön kuvaus

Kolding Youth School has extensive and intensive experience arranging, organizing and executing activities for youngsters ranging from small groups to several hundred. We have organised and participated in many local and international projects, e.g. youth conferences, youth exchanges, mobilities etc. We have been actively part of the UBC Youthful Cities Commission since 2003, and cooperated with many international organisations with regards to youth involvement and trainings.

For many years Kolding Youth school has worked regarding youth involvement, and strategic development of democracy, and furthermore employees attend in national and international seminars, conferences e.g. to expand their knowledge and network. Some of the key elements regarding youth involvement are:

1) Kolding’s Youth school is working for the involvement of young people in the decision-making processes, for example, by organising forums (Unge på Tinge og UngKoldingRåd, Kolding Youth Council, Fælles Elevråd, Brugernævnsmøder).

2) Another way to involve young people in the development planning managed by Kolding’s Youth school is supporting and promoting their participation in working groups for Development Planning in topics such as climate, culture, youth.

3) Regarding international youth work: Kolding Youth school has been a partner in several youth exchanges under topics such as democracy, youth participation and active citizenship. Kolding Youth school is an active member in the Union of the Baltic Cities and actively working in the Youthful Cities Commission.

4) Kolding Youthschool has been a hosting organisation for volunteers since the spring of 2019, so our experience is very limited, but we have gained a lot of experience regarding hosting volunteers. Before becomming a coordinating organisation, we hosted volunteers in coorporation with AFS.

5) Short term volunteering projects with local actors; We host different kind of short term volunteering projects called 'frivillighedsprojekter' together with different local partners in the municipallity. The 'frivillighedsprojekter' are located in one of the two areas in Kolding with a majority of people with another ethnicity than Danish and Danes with a low income, and they are based on voluntariness amongst the residents in the area.

Another project based in voluntariness is 'projekt morfar' (project grand dad), where elderly people are either a grand dad or a grand mom for a young, whom does not have a grand dad or a grand mom himself.

Futhermore, Kolding Youthschool administrates Building5, which is a house based on voluntariness. Building5 is a place with many different events regarding culture, and all events are driven by people, who all are local volunteers; just to name some projects, we have climateprojects, film projects, theatre, sowing club ect.

  • Tällä organisaatiolla on Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen laatumerkki. Laatumerkki varmistaa, että organisaatio kykenee järjestämään Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen periaatteiden ja tavoitteiden mukaisia hankkeita.

Toiminnan muoto vapaaehtoistyö

Rooli Voimassaolo päättyy
Hosting 31/12/2027
Tukiorganisaatio 31/12/2027


PIC: 948401884 OID: E10026820

Järjestön toimialat

Key competences development

Quality and innovation of youth work

Youth policy development