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Accredited organisation

Wyzsza Szkola Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy

Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki (University of Economy in Bydgoszcz)

Garbary 2, 85-229, Bydgoszcz, Polija - +48525670000

Organizācijas apraksts:

The WSG University in Bydgoszcz, currently the largest non-state institution of higher education in northern Poland, was established based on the Ministry of National Education decision dated 17 March 1999 and has the same rights as state higher education institutions. Its foundation in 1999 was preceded by a ten-year experience gained from providing post-secondary education aimed at qualifying staff for a free market economy, in particular for the tourism sector as well as for the use of modern IT technologies in the company management.
The WSG University except for the main campus in Bydgoszcz has 7 other campuses in Poland. The University offers programs in Polish and in English Languages. It has around 7000 students of BA, MA, and postgraduate studies, where about 1000 are international students, and nearly 900 employees and associates.
The aims of the WSG University related to the Project are:
- social inclusion: active inclusion of people with disabilities, the elderly people of the WSG Elderly Club and University of Third Age and the local community of Bydgoszcz to social life;
- increasing international, "soft" competencies among University students, workers, volunteers, and young people in Bydgoszcz;
- increasing the sense of solidarity in a broader sense not only among volunteers but also in all target groups and project participants.
The WSG University in Bydgoszcz has huge experience in working with youth and teaching by using various formal and non-formal methods, including e-learning and b-learning. Classroom preparation is just a part of the opportunities that the WSG University offers. Besides educational programs and opportunities, University is also active in local and regional development activities for the advantage of local societies. The University encourages its staff, students, and other participants to have an active role in the surrounding world.
At our Bydgoszcz Main Campus, there are the Academic Cultural Space and the Museum of Photography. These institutions provide the ability to develop skills and begin an artistic life. Through our Fitness and Nutrition Centre, we actively promote healthy lifestyles. First-rate professional medical treatment is provided by the Academic Medical Centre. At the WSG University in Bydgoszcz, there are also a kindergarten and a nursery house. The university also organizes lectures and various activities for elder people in frames of the University of the Third Age and Daily Elderly Clubs. Our organization is also very active in European and international issues. Our International Affairs Office and Robert Schuman European Centre cooperate with many international partners around the world, create and participate in various projects (Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council, Polish-Russian Youth Exchange Center) and are involved in European information networks as Eurodesk and Europe Direct. The WSG Foodsharing Capsule promotes a lifestyle in a zero-waste spirit and the idea of sharing the food. The initiative dedicated to the University community and locals in Bydgoszcz.
Our target groups and main activities are the followed:
- International and Polish students (1500 people) - besides organizing the study process, International Affairs Office and Welcome Center with the cooperation with Student's Self Government organize an Active Students Life during each semester (workshops about Polish culture and history, language classes, trips to Polish cities and abroad, Board games Day, Movie Night, Cooking lessons, Talent Show, International Student Day, Welcome Week, Fair of opportunities)- at the beginning of each semester;
- pupils of lower secondary and upper secondary schools in Bydgoszcz (200 people) – except daily activities which distribute information and advice about the European Union’s policies, actively promote local and regional debate about the European Union, allow the European institutions to disseminate local and regional information and give the public the opportunity to send feedback to the European Union institutions Eurodesk and Europe Direct Bydgoszcz conduct workshops and classes regarding European Union, Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps four timers per year;
- Elderly people after 60 and disabled people from Bydgoszcz (50 people)- University of the Third Age and Daily Elderly Clubs carry out occasional meetings in order to counteract the social seclusion of elder people like art, cultural and educational classes (literature, painting, film, music, learning English), sports classes (nordic walking), memory training (games improving intellectual abilities); help elderly people with their daily activities and organize free time for them;
- kids from Bydgoszcz (60 children) - kindergartens and nursery prepare and carry out various activities (cooking, sport, dance, manual and creative work, art classes, organizing free time, language and cultural activities).

  • Šai organizācijai ir piešķirta Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa kvalitātes zīme. Kvalitātes zīme apliecina, ka organizācija spēj īstenot projektus saskaņā ar Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa principiem un mērķiem.

Joma Brīvprātīgais darbs

Loma Beigu datums
Hosting 31/12/2027
Atbalsta 31/12/2027

Vadošā organizācija

PIC: 911481356 OID: E10024893

Organizācijas temati

Community development

European identity and values
