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Accredited organisation

Società Cooperativa Sociale Nazareth - Impresa sociale

Società Cooperativa Sociale Nazareth

Via del Sale 40/e , 26100, Cremona, Itālija - +39 0372 1786314

Organizācijas apraksts:

Cooperativa Nazareth was born in 2001 by a union of different organizations operating in the territory of Cremona and involved in the field of solidarity. Its actions involve project planning, implementation and management of educative and care services addressing primarily minors between 14 - 19 years old and families.
Its funding principles are social cohesion, subsidiarity and solidarity pursued through the commitment of qualified staff and about 80 volunteers among local youths and adults.
According to the Italian law 381/91, Cooperativa Nazareth pursues the following institutional goals: welcoming and assistance of minors, alone or belonging to difficult familiar situations; involvement of the entire local community in the making of and implementation of educational and training projects; strong interest in the experimentation of innovative educational strategies as well as the structuring of shared paths; social inclusion achieved through active personal involvement of subjects with fewer opportunities (empowerment) and working activities (biological social agriculture).

As a consequence, Cooperativa Nazareth is involved in different innovative kinds of collaboration between public and private sector facilitating stronger interactions with the territory of action: Social Housing: an experiment of cohabitative space targeting minors approaching major age, families and young adults involved in short term paths leading to personal autonomy, coming from a context of weak or absent familiar and social network. Day Center for minor migrants: innovative welcoming day centre addressing minor migrants aiming to their personal growth thanks to innovative and experimental experiences related to educational and expressive areas. Rigenera: project of social bio-agriculture aiming to generate sustainable processes of development through the valorization of the typical products and the potentialities of the local territory. It involves people with fewer opportunities in order to achieve their personal autonomy through the creation of job opportunities. In parallel with the major issue of social inclusion it proposes also therapeutic (horticultural therapy), social and educational activities pursuing the construction of a community able to welcome, include and live solidarity, facilitating relationships in spaces less “protected” and more “normal”.

Through these projects, Cooperativa Nazareth is able to tackle different areas and propose a vast array of activities: training alphabetization, training for adults, professional training, IT competences, study support; Autonomy: financial literacy, driving licence exam support; Work: job orientation and support through participation to laboratories dealing with job training, traineeships and job scholarships; Entertainment: expressive and recreational laboratories, sport activities and cultural initiatives; Service: local volunteering experiences.

  • Šai organizācijai ir piešķirta Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa kvalitātes zīme. Kvalitātes zīme apliecina, ka organizācija spēj īstenot projektus saskaņā ar Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa principiem un mērķiem.

Joma Brīvprātīgais darbs

Loma Beigu datums
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 910927680 OID: E10015596

Organizācijas temati


Bēgļu un migrantu uzņemšana un integrācija

Human rights and rule of law