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Accredited organisation

Asociación "Eo, Eo"

Asociación "Eo, Eo"

C/ Albaicín, 6, 29130, Alhaurín de la Torre (Málaga), Španija - +34675275162

Opis organizacije

The main objectives of this entity are:
- To strengthen the social and associative fabric at local, national and international level.
- To develop international cooperation projects in Senegal and Chad.
- Promote training, employability and circular economy of young people in Chad.
- Promote healthy leisure alternatives for young people.
- To favour the integration of immigrant minors
- Promote volunteering and social commitment of young people.
- To prevent and raise awareness about STIs, drugs and other intoxicants.
- Encourage youth participation and community development.
- To generate channels of communication between young people.
- To offer tools and educational support to minors in vulnerable situations.
- Promote employability and social and labour insertion of people at social risk.

The main activities carried out are as follows:
- Educational reinforcement classes for children at risk of vulnerability.
- Educational reinforcement classes in the educational centre Huerta Alta for adolescents with learning problems.
- Dynamisation of the youth volunteering group
- Outdoor sports activities (hiking, climbing etc.)
- Alternative night-time leisure activities
- Spanish, French and Arabic classes
- Youth and employment counselling
- Training courses and youth exchanges with Erasmus +
- Accompaniment of minors at risk of social exclusion

This organisation works mainly with children (+6 years old) and young people (until 30 years old), and specifically with vulnerable minors and unaccompanied immigrant minors, working towards the integration of groups at risk of social exclusion.

  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

Področje Prostovoljstvo

Vloga Velja do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Podporna organizacija 31/12/2027

Vodilna organizacija

PIC: 919063458 OID: E10053114

Področja organizacije

Community development


Inclusion of marginalised young people