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Accredited organisation

Tumult vzw

Tumult vzw

Brusselsepoortstraat 8, 2800, Mechelen, Belgija - +3215435696

Opis organizacije

Tumult encourages young people to meet each other, beyond the boundaries of difference. We teach young people how to deal with conflict in a constructive way by starting from what is common. We stimulate them to take a critical role in society. Tumult, as a youth work organisation, shapes a peaceful and non-violent society, together with and for all children and young people. But how do you translate this peaceful and non-violent society into the world of children and young people in our society? What does it mean for them in concrete terms? What invariably emerges is that belonging and having the opportunity to participate in society on the basis of one's talent are crucial for children and young people. Today, however, we see that many children are excluded, consciously and/or unconsciously, in some way and do not experience that sense of belonging. That is why we translate our mission into one big, clear and bold goal: 'Children and young people no longer know exclusion'.
- Youth work
Above all youth work: by and for children and young people. Tumult creates meeting places where they can discover, exchange, make mistakes and learn together. We give young people unforgettable experiences which they can later critically reflect on. A playful approach, in which children and young people are also given the opportunity to share their ideas and take responsibility. Because learning and participating in a group makes for a strong and inspiring experience. We look for solutions together, from what unites, with respect for each other's opinions. We try to empower children and young people from their own personal strength.
- With a thematic approach
Tumult occupies a unique position within the current youth work landscape. By its thematic focus on the exclusion of children and young people, rather than starting from a particular methodology (such as weekly activities, camps, ...). We are active in various fields. In this way, we are not only an added value for children and young people themselves, but also for other organisations. youth workers and even for society.
- At the crossroads of sectors
From our thematic approach, we as an organisation also make many connections with other sectors such as education, integration, media, sports and welfare.
- A diverse and inclusive organisation
Tumult aims to reach all children and young people between 7 and 30 years old. However, we pay particular attention to groups of children and young people who are more excluded (or feel more excluded) than others. With this in mind, we pay special attention to children and young people in a socially vulnerable position and to children and young people with a refugee background. We strive for a mix of young people from different backgrounds, where they can learn from each other. This is a conscious choice because in this way we create a 'mini society' where living together in diversity is normal part of life. We see this as a great learning opportunity, because if it works in youth work, it will work outside of it.
To make things concrete, let's see what we do and what numbers we achieve in a year:
- 9 super-diverse camps with 200 participants in vulnerable situations between 6-15 years of age, supported by a very diverse group of volunteers - called the Tummies
- 2 intense immersion journeys, embedded in a comprehensive programme, with 22 participants aged 15-18, supported by the volunteers of the international work group.
- 4 super-diverse training courses (the well-known ‘animator’ and ‘hoofdanimator’, but also a unique ‘start-animator’n and ‘animaster’ course) with 60 participants. Supervised by strong instructors - (an instructor course is organised every two years for 10 to 15 participants)
- About 70 training sessions in youth work, with around a thousand participants, on playful and interactive themes on which we have expertise (bullying, hate speech, punishment and reward, inclusion of young newcomers, etc.). Next to single training sessions, we also set up longer trajectories with local youth work organisations to work towards a concrete goal (e.g. a bullying policy).
- Supporting young newcomers to free time in their neighbourhood, giving them the chance to taste and enjoy the many benefits of organised leisure time.
- Many more variable initiatives and projects, such as participation projects, recreation moments for volunteers, study days, activities in refugee centres, etc.

  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

Področje Prostovoljstvo

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Podporna organizacija 31/12/2027

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PIC: 939781106 OID: E10111536

Področja organizacije

Community development


Sprejem in vključevanje beguncev in migrantov