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Accredited organisation


Fundacja AleJa

Ojców Oblatów 1, 54-239, Wrocław, Polija - +48531335280

Organizācijas apraksts:

“Horyzonty Wyobraźni” (eng. The Horizons of the Imagination) is a school with a modern approach towards education, focusing on individual development of every student. We are expanding the official state education program with additional art and music classes.
Classes are not strictly divided into same-age groups. The groups are mixed in age, thanks to which younger children can learn from the older ones, and the older ones have the opportunity to share their knowledge and passions with the younger ones. One teacher is for approximately 8 children, which facilitates an individual approach. Additional classes are divided into groups according to the needs and interests of children. Because of that they can broaden their horizons in the field they are interested in. Artistic education in music also has a positive impact on development and education in other fields like maths and languages in the later stages of education. We also focus on activities that take place outside. Regardless of the weather we try to spend at least a few minutes outside and even conduct classes out during sunny days.
We don’t use bells, grades and tests. We believe that experiencing the world and education through play in a pleasant atmosphere have a better influence on student development. We learn teamwork and independent thinking. There is no punishment here as we know that making mistakes is part of the educational process. We want to stimulate the natural need and willingness to acquire knowledge and skills that will be useful both in the future and in the exact moment of life.
An important factor of education in our school is learning how to work and cooperate in a group and society on good terms - jointly and severally with the ability to deal with conflicts in a peaceful way. We want our students to be aware of the responsibility and that their actions can affect others and the whole group.
All classes and activities take place in the morning hours. Thanks to this, children are provided with care during the working hours of their parents and can use their free time in the afternoon. This gives the families time and opportunity to spend quality time together and make good relationships between them.
We want to create a place where everyone can feel good and welcome. We work with people who share similar values as this is the condition of good cooperation and success. The school must be a place where children feel comfortable and supported at any stage of life. We also discuss this with parents during individual meetings before the approval of the registration as we want to collaborate with families that want to raise their children in the atmosphere of love and mutual respect.

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Hosting 31/12/2027
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Organizācijas temati

European identity and values


Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide