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Accredited organisation

ESSERCI TUTTI Società Cooperativa Sociale

Piazzetta San Benedetto snc , 87022, Cetraro, Italija - +39 3383945436

Opis organizacije

The aim of cooperative “Esserci Tutti” is involved people that are marginalized form the society, for example people with a disability, young people without a formal education, drug addicts, persons who had a criminal record, migrants. Everyone could be a part of growth of the whole community, mainly persons whose be considered “weak”. The possibility of a participation in European Solidarity Corps, represents a bilateral growth: for who live directly the volunteering experience and for the community that hosts the volunteer. Trough a non formal education experience, realized by a exchange with others cooperatives and NGOs in Europe, could be an opportunity of personal and cultural development trough change of visions and ideas.

  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

Področje Prostovoljstvo

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Podporna organizacija 31/12/2027
PIC: 941095650 OID: E10186820