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Accredited organisation

Asociatia AIESEC Bucuresti

AIESEC Bucuresti

Frumoasei 31, 010987, Bucharest, România - +40751120014

Descrierea organizației

Since AIESEC Bucharest is an AIESEC in Romania local office it's aims and activities are the same, the number of people impacted however is changing
In 2018 AIESEC Bucharest counted around 50 members involved in the organization, both taking leadership and membership roles. Just last year the organization provided 429 exchange opportunities to young people, both sending abroad Romanian students (111) and receiving international youth (318) in Romania for our AIESEC local projects.
The structure that each Local Committee is following is the same: we have departments such as Human Resources, Finance and Legal Assistance, External Relations, Incoming Exchange and Outgoing Exchange, Marketing and PR. The teams of finance manage the cash-flows, project budgets and track projects sustainability, the human resources recruit members and ensure retention and trainings of the membership; marketing ensures communication strategies overall and guarantees registrations for membership and of students who want to go abroad. The department of outgoing exchange facilitates the process of finding volunteer projects and preparing the students to go abroad while people of incoming exchange department recruit foreign students and prepare them for our local projects. These are our core activities during the year, which we then add on conferences, trainings, etc.

Tematici legate de incluziune

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Social obstacles
  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 942079618 OID: E10019936

Tematica organizației

Educație și formare

Skills development
