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Accredited organisation



Ronda Eras s/n , 13420, MALAGÓN, Spania - +34624646932

Descrierea organizației

CORAJE MÁLAGÓN, is a non-profit organization integrated by around of 145 members; persons with or without disabilities who also take part of our "family"
Our organization was created in April 1999, when a group of people with disabilities and their families decided that their union was necessary to achieve an improvement in the quality of life of people with disabilities in MALAGÓN, village where is situated the Association.

In 2005, our OCCUPATIONAL CENTER was opened, giving the opportunity to 15 users with intellectual disabilities to achieve their social and work integration. From then until now, there have been many professionals who are working for persons with several capacities. The workshops that they currently do are: MACHÉ PAPER and SERIGRAPHY.

In 2009, begin a new service for people with disabilities in the locality, in this case focusing on people with physical disabilities, opening our company called ALITADIS SLU, dedicated to catering and food service.

In 2010, CORAJE MALAGÓN decides that we must continue to move forward and we started to work in our DAY CENTER FOR PEOPLE WITH EXTENSIVE AND GENERALIZED SUPPORT NEEDS.

In 2018, we would like to open our Asociation to Europe; sharing our experiences and opening our entity to European Youths that would like to join us for some periods of volunteering.

Our objectives are to achieve the balance and reconciliation between three major general objectives: THE SOCIAL INTEGRATION, THE PROMOTION OF PERSONAL AUTONOMY AND INDEPENDENCE AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE AND THE WELFARE OF THE PERSONS. We pretend that each one of the beneficiaries achieve the desired lifestyle, the highest levels of freedom, control, empowerment and self-determination possible over their life.

The activities are divided into different areas:

--> Operational Areas: subdivided into:
- Pre-Labor Area: where two workshops are carried out: Serigraphy and Tapestry. Where they shape the AREA OF INITIATION OF PRODUCTION .
- Personal Qualification: conformed by Laboratories of Mache Paper workshop and Labels. In this workshop they acquire the basic skills to be able to exercise a work routine, as well as to acquire the minimum steps necessary to exercise autonomy in your daily basic skills.

--> Strategic Areas:
- Support for families: where the union and communication with the families is created through two ways: "GO AND BACK BOOK", where the professional and the family communicate daily. Another way used is the FAMILY SCHOOL, where both, people with disabilities and their families and professionals of the occupational center, share an environment of information, communication, listening, which is at the same time enriching for all and above all for the beneficiaries, definitive in
the planning that themselves make of their own future, since it is a space in which they feel enveloped by all their greatest supports.
- Community Integration: These are activities focused on the environment of the person with disabilities. These activities are developed throughout the year and involve: companies, associations, musical groups, sports, holding exhibitions, participation in all kinds of festivities, social events ... It is about enjoying the environment, making every day and normalized what has traditionally been invisible and secret, it is about making a party of being a person with a disability and making everyone participate in it.

Tematici legate de incluziune

Această organizație este dispusă să implice voluntari aflați în situații care le îngreunează participarea la activități, din următoarele categorii și pentru diverse tipuri de proiect:

  • Handicap
  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027
De sprijin 31/12/2027

Organizația responsabilă

PIC: 905313223 OID: E10018605

Tematica organizației

Equality and non-discrimination

Sănătate și bunăstare
