STC Associacao Serve The City Portugal

STC Associacao Serve The City Portugal

Serve the City Portugal

Avenida Júlio Dinis, 23-1 esq. , 1050-130, Lisboa, Portugal - +351960070007

organizācijas apraksts:

1. Aims
The main objective of the Serve the City association is to promote solidarity, civic and social participation, social inclusion and cooperation through quality voluntary initiatives accessible to all young people and organisations contributing to social cohesion, solidarity, democracy and European citizenship. The objective of social inclusion also focuses on the need to respond to social problems and to reinforce the potential of the community.
Together, the association seeks to empower young people through the development of transversal skills and learning, namely, at a personal, educational, social and civic, cultural and professional level, recognizing the importance of each in the social transformation and contribution to a society highly inclusive, supportive, cohesive and cooperative. Opportunities to participate in volunteer activities are targeted at those who wish to take a proactive role in change, including young people with fewer opportunities.
So we are sure that we can actively contribute to the difference.
Aware of the importance of the impacts on the construction of a society based on the principles of European cooperation, our vision is to strengthen the rotundities of all young people, ensuring support at all times, in order to promote a new path for the transformation of social reality.

2. Target-groups
The main target group of the association are young people. Regardless of their status and/or social situation, the focus of Serve the City's work is geared towards young people who want to participate and engage in volunteer activities and effectively contribute to social change.
For a greater territorial and target group scope, the association develops joint work with various organisations, communities, companies, schools and other entities that in all activities are vehicles for building bridges with young people in a logic of social inclusion.
The joint work comes from the need to promote solidarity and cooperation, always through an awareness of current problems, with public and private entities, so that a responsible, relational and replicable response to situations of social vulnerability is given.
The association also participates actively in an international network.
The various Serve the City teams around the world, always in collaboration, strive to maintain the ambition that "Serving the city is for all". The firm conviction that the collaboration of all, the sharing of the affections, competences and history of each one, through voluntary actions, allows the construction of a solidary society, inclusive, cooperative, just and egalitarian. In this sense, it has encouraged and supported the establishment of local voluntary networks (in various cities) and in the rest of the world, also contributing to relevant European cooperation for young people.

3. Regular activities
The activity developed by Serve the City counts on 9 years of history, being 5 of regular activity and recognized by the young people, community and entities that, daily, work with us. Over these years, more than 8.000 volunteers supported by the association, with more than 45.000 hours of solidarity work, in more than 80 cities around the world.
Volunteer activities are the basis of the association. Therefore, we are aware of the capacity to do more and better, to foster equal access to opportunities and to recognize the value of each one in change and social transformation.
Among the various activities, we can mention:
a. Community Dinners;
b. Community Garden;
c. Community Football;
d. Community Workshops;
e. Bridges in Age;
f. Grow with Friends;
g. Solidarity Minutes;
h. Support to management team;
i. Partnership projects;
j. Capacity-building of volunteers.

Šai organizācijai ir piešķirta Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa kvalitātes zīme. Kvalitātes zīme apliecina, ka organizācija spēj īstenot projektus saskaņā ar Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa principiem un mērķiem.

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Lead organisation

PIC: 910898774 OID: E10014474
Informācija atjaunināta 31/05/24