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Accredited organisation



Susedsko Polje 35, 10090, Zagreb, Kroatija


Organizacijos aprašas

Association Eat Different is founded in October 2016 as a result of a Facebook page Eat Different where couple of healthy lifestyle enthusiasts started to film short videos about healthy food and published them online. As time passed, we realized that we could start an NGO and involve even more youth members to promote healthy lifestyle in local community and make information about healthy food, physical activity and positive mindset available to everyone, including people with fewer opportunities, social and economic obstacles to promote inclusion in society.

We are doing online and offline activities directed towards education of our target group about healthy lifestyle based on an independent scientific studies and other relevant information.

Activities that are constant every week through our social media channels are:

- education through educational and funny online TV channel about healthy lifestyle in a short video form
- creative approach to education through filming music videos and writing poetry about food
- informing target group about opportunities of buying budget friendly healthy food in stores and open markets
- education about quick, simple and healthy ways of preparing healthy food
- education about various ways of physical activity and proper techniques of exercises
- education about embracing the entrepreneurial mindset
- education about community management and social media content creation (Facebook, Instagram)
- encouraging people to be proactive, develop critical way of thinking, develop positive attitude about
their abilities and potential, body and the way how they treat it
- encouraging target group to be solution oriented, not problem oriented

Activities that we are doing outside online world are:

- one free workshop per month on various topics in our office: healthy food, social media marketing, crowdfunding, short video making, proper exercise
- one free workshop per month with our local partners in their office on various topics: healthy food, social media marketing, crowdfunding, short video making, proper exercise
- we have around 15 participants per workshop to ensure quality of the learning process

Our target group are mostly youth between 18 and 30, people who are interested in living a healthier lifestyle, eating healthy food, executing proper exercises and developing a positive mindset, people with social and economic obstacles that do not have the opportunity to access those information for free.

Association Eat Different decided to present themselves under acronym "Different" on social media in 2017. because their field of influence widen up from nutrition to physical activity and embracing positive and entreprenurial mindset. They currently have over 18.000 followers on Facebook and over 6.000 followers on Instagram with constant daily growth.

Association got recognized and accepted by a student community this year as they were found in the official student guide for new students in 2018./2019. academic year as a relevant representative of healthy food and healthy lifestyle in general. Also, they are presented to Croatian public through numerous articles on healthy lifestyle portals.

You can check the work of the association on these links:

Su įtrauktimi susijusios sritys

Š i organizacija nori įtraukti savanorius, kuriems dėl įvairių priežasčių yra sunkiau dalyvauti įvairioje šių kategorijų ir projektų veikloje:

  • Ekonominės kliūtys
  • Organizacija turi Europos solidarumo korpuso kokybės ženklą. Kokybės ženklu patvirtinama, kad organizacija yra pasirengusi vykdyti projektus laikydamasi Europos solidarumo korpuso principų ir tikslų.

Taikymo sritis Savanorišką veiklą

Funkcija Galiojimo pabaigos data
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 914518717 OID: E10116986

Organizacijos veiklos sritys

Sveikata ir gerovė

Kūno kultūra ir sportas

Skills development