AĞDACI MAHALLESİ , 74100, BARTIN, Türkiye - +903782235155

beskrivelse af organisationen

Bartın University, which was established on May 22, 2008, with Law No. 5765, has undertaken to provide our young people with a contemporary learning and science environment, to raise individuals who shape the future of our country, and to contribute to the lifelong education and development process of society. In line with this task, our university places emphasis on young people's development in the fields of culture, health, and sports as well as on their academic success.

Bartın University, which has made it its mission to contribute to the cultural and academic development of students in the light of innovations in the field of education during the European Union process, and to produce new projects in this direction with European Union financing, works to accomplish this task with great motivation.

The Erasmus Office, a subdivision of Bartın University's International Office, annually offers Erasmus learning and internship mobility opportunities to hundreds of young students, which are the target group, as a regular activity. Also, as an alternative, with the European Solidarity Corps Quality Label, the Erasmus Office aims for more of our young people and even our alumni to benefit from volunteering and solidarity opportunities. The main activities and purpose of the Erasmus Office regarding the youth with the European Solidarity Corps, which is the target group;

- Contributing to the improvement of youth policies,
- To ensure that among the youth, the culture of cooperation and solidarity is achieved,
- To strengthen the volunteering awareness of young people and to encourage their entrepreneurial spirit,
- To help young people gain knowledge, skills and competence, and
- To work in the integration of all disadvantaged young people, especially disabled youth, into the society they live in.

Denne organisation har fået tildelt Det Europæiske Solidaritetskorps' kvalitetsmærke. Kvalitetsmærket certificerer, at organisationen i stand til at forvalte projekter i overensstemmelse med det europæiske solidaritetskorps mål og principper.

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Rolle Udløbsdato
PIC: 944273079 OID: E10169843
Senest opdateret den 06/05/24

Organisationens emner

European identity and values

Disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery
