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Accredited organisation

Kulturni centrum Rehlovice

Kulturni centrum Rehlovice

Na statku 20, 403 13, Rehlovice, Republica Cehă - +420775233318

Descrierea organizației

The non-governmental organization Culture Center Řehlovice was founded in the premises of the former Meyerhof of the nobles of Bílá in the late nineties of 20th century. The large estate (almost four acres) witnessed various historical events. In its 20 years of existence it was a venue for dozens of artistic, literary, theater projects and exchange stays, and get togethers. Due to its geographical location, the Cultural Center focuses mainly on cross-border Czech-German projects, whose common denominator is “encounter”, especially of people and ideas.
The cultural center is led by two employees (Lenka Holíková, Martina Zuzaňáková) and one volunteer (from Germany). There are many external employees. Among them there are cultural managers, curators, artists, students and other experts. The Czech volunteers participating in our projects only occasionally for example during the Symposium Proudění-Stroemungen.
Among the people taking care of the premises are Mr. and Mrs. Holik - they do the renovation works and gardening - and the craft smith working in his workshop here. Except of the smith workshop, there is also a ceramic atelier of Lenka Holíková. Under the supervision of Mr. Holík, Mrs. Holíková, Lenka Holiková and the smith, the volunteers could develop themselves in the field of building and constructing, sustainability, smithery or pottery making.

Target groups of the cultural centre:
- the persons concerned in culture and art from Czech republic and abroad (mostly from Germany and Austria);
- artists, which participated in the Proudění-Stroemungen Symposia;
- local community members (people interesting in culture from Řehlovice and nearby cities (Litoměřice, Ústí nad Labem, Dresden, Teplice, etc.).
Our abroad partner organizations:
- riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden, Dresden, Germany;
- Umweltzentrum Dresden e. V., Dresden, Germany;
- ASF - Aktion Sühnezeichen Freidensdienste, Berlin, Germany;
- Kommunalgemeinschaft Euroregion, Drážďany; Germany;
- Kulturdrogerie, Vienna; Austria.

Main events (regularly hosted events):
One of the oldest and most appreciated projects of the Center is the Czech-German Art Symposium Proudění-Strömungen. During last twenty years, the Cultural Center organized a total of seventeen art symposia, which were attended by 192 artists. The result is an impressive array of artworks, which are scattered in layers on the premises of the meyerhof and thus make its unique character. Each second year the invited artists from different countries create a work of art on the actual topic such as multiculturalism, post-communism, corruption, etc.
Among other regularly hosted projects of the Cultural Centre there are the „Cultural Brunch“ - taking place twice a year, Sculpture Symposium LAVY and project řehsign (weekend workshops on specific theme).

Other events:
Except of the main events (mentioned above), the yearly program of the center consists of single events – exhibitions, conferences, workshops, etc. Lately we have organized for example the Gospel concert (together with Diakonie Litoměřice), performance workshop (with TU Dresden) or Cross-Border Conference (with Euroregion Labe-Elbe).
The center cooperates closely with the local community, specially with the Primary school in Řehlovice, Kindergarten in Řehlovice, with local historian Mrs. Rauerová, Řehlovice council, Ústecká Community Foundation, Dobrovolnické centrum Ústí nad Labem, Collegium Bohemicum).

  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027
De sprijin 31/12/2027
PIC: 921400964 OID: E10125843