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Accredited organisation

YMCA Malta

178 Merchants Street , VLT 1174, Valletta, Malta - +35679306655

Organizacijos aprašas

The YMCA in Malta has four active programmes: the Residential Programme, the Youth Empowerment Programme, the Wellbeing Programme, and the Social Business Programme

The YMCA Residential Programme has been operating since 1995 and it provides residential accommodation to people who are experiencing homelessness.

The Youth Empowerment Programme facilitated from the Head Office in Valletta, provides young people with the space that empowers them to create and deliver projects of interest and supports them to be of service to the people living at YMCA’s residential facility as well as to the community at large. The Youth Empowerment Programme allows young people to carry out projects in different areas such as Education, Outreach & Research.

The Wellbeing Programme aims to reach vulnerable people in need of counselling and psychotherapy whereby the beneficiaries are those who are not in the financial position to seek the service privately. Since the introduction of this project in 2017, more than 500 sessions have been offered by a group of five psychotherapists and a counsellor.

Our Social Business Programme programme's main areas are sustainability and fundraising and it does so through the fields of Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility, and sponsorship.

Su įtrauktimi susijusios sritys

Š i organizacija nori įtraukti savanorius, kuriems dėl įvairių priežasčių yra sunkiau dalyvauti įvairioje šių kategorijų ir projektų veikloje:

  • Negalia
  • Socialinės kliūtys
  • Pabėgėliai
  • Organizacija turi Europos solidarumo korpuso kokybės ženklą. Kokybės ženklu patvirtinama, kad organizacija yra pasirengusi vykdyti projektus laikydamasi Europos solidarumo korpuso principų ir tikslų.

Taikymo sritis Savanorišką veiklą

Funkcija Galiojimo pabaigos data
Hosting 31/12/2027
Rėmimas 31/12/2027
PIC: 937598800 OID: E10047496

Organizacijos veiklos sritys

Community development

Švietimas ir mokymas

Kūno kultūra ir sportas