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Accredited organisation


Institut de formation aux métiers éducatifs (IFME)

2117 Chemin du Bachas , 30000, Nîmes, Frankrijk - +33466689960

Beschrijving van de organisatie

The Association for the Promotion of Training and Socio-Educational Activities (APAFASE), which manages the IFME, is a member of the National Union of Associations for Training and Research in Social Intervention (UNAFORIS), both at the national and regional levels (Occitania platform). The activities of APAFASE - IFME are fully inscribed in the field of social and solidarity economy.
The IFME affirms its attachment to popular education, to the social and professional promotion of individuals, to the accompaniment of people in difficulty, to the personal development of each person, to the professional integration of the greatest number.
The IFME is therefore a training centre that offers training in social work post baccalaureate and infra baccalaureate from level 3 to level 6. Level 3 concerns the training of educational and social assistants who intervene on a daily basis with people whose situation requires support in social, school or leisure activities. Level 4 concerns the training of educational monitors who carry out an educational function, animation, organisation of the daily life of people in difficulty and in a situation of handicap. Level 6 concerns the specialised educator, the social service assistant and the young children's educator. The specialised educator contributes to the process of socialisation and autonomy of people and encourages the strengthening of social links and solidarity in the environment of people and society. The social service assistant carries out social interventions with a view to improving living conditions, developing people's capacities to maintain or restore their autonomy, and carrying out with them any action likely to prevent or overcome their difficulties. The early childhood educator strives to promote the global and harmonious development of children by stimulating their intellectual, emotional and artistic potential. The level 5 concerns the person in charge of animation who coordinates a set of projects and activities and who conceives animation in a popular education approach within a medical and social structure.
The IFME also provides advice and expertise to associations in the department that manage medical and social establishments.
The IFME is involved in an approach aimed at promoting social work research within the institution, among social work professionals, and also in a recent commitment to a strategic Erasmus partnership project with our European partners.
Finally, the IFME has been involved since 2014 in the international incoming and outgoing mobility of students and staff and in the hosting of a European volunteer in 2020/2021.

  • Deze organisatie heeft het kwaliteitskeurmerk van het Europees Solidariteitskorps gekregen. Dit keurmerk garandeert dat de organisatie in staat is projecten uit te voeren volgens de beginselen en doelstellingen van het Europees Solidariteitskorps.

Soort activiteit Vrijwilligerswerk

Rol Vervaldatum
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 940152228 OID: E10133396


European identity and values

Digital youth work