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Accredited organisation


VIA DEGLI ASTALLI 14A, 00186, ROMA, Italië - +390669925099

Beschrijving van de organisatie

JRS-BiH is a created with beginning of the so-called “Migration crisis” in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2018, based in Sarajevo.
JRS-BIH is part of the Jesuit Refugee Service, a worldwide non-governmental organization currently present in over 50 countries. JRS-BiH mandate is to accompany, serve and advocate with and for the rights of refugees and forcibly displaced people. Through its daily work, JRS-BiH aims to protect and improve the recognition of the fundamental rights of forced migrants. JRS-BiH strives to raise public awareness in order to foster an inclusive society for this group.

1) We are especially dedicated to the needs of people coming to Bosnia from African or Asian countries as asylum seekers fleeing persecution and war in search of security and protection.
2) Policy and Advocacy work based on the analysis of the relevant legislation and direct advocacy towards the key stakeholders at
the local level;
3) Communication and media work to raise awareness in the common public and among decision makers about the situation and defence of rights of refugees and asylum seekers in BiH.

To fulfil its mandate, JRS-BiH attends regularly conferences and meetings with other relevant stakeholders who are directly involved within refugees protection in Bosnia, in particular with UNHCR, IOM and SFA (Service Foreign affairs).
JRS-BiH coordinates and implements projects in cooperation with the Regional office of JRS based in Croatia and with other national JRS offices in the region of South East Europe, and other NGO partners at a local level to raise up the Quality of life of Refugees.


Organizacja ta jest gotowa przyjąć wolontariuszy, których sytuacja osobista utrudnia im uczestnictwo w projektach. Do różnych rodzajów projektów mogą się zgłaszać osoby należące do kategorii wymienionych poniżej:

  • Niepełnosprawność
  • Przeszkody natury społecznej
  • Uchodźcy
  • Deze organisatie heeft het kwaliteitskeurmerk van het Europees Solidariteitskorps gekregen. Dit keurmerk garandeert dat de organisatie in staat is projecten uit te voeren volgens de beginselen en doelstellingen van het Europees Solidariteitskorps.

Soort activiteit Vrijwilligerswerk

Rol Vervaldatum
Hosting 31/12/2027
Ondersteuning 31/12/2027
OID: E10007420


Gezondheid en welzijn

Human rights

Reception and integration of third-country nationals