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Accredited organisation



SINJSKA 7, 21000, SPLIT, Hrvaška - +38521329130

Opis organizacije

Association “MI” – Split has been active since 1996. It was formed at times of emerging initiatives for improving community life and advancing democratic processes. “MI” in Croatian means "we, us". The name of Udruga “MI” emphasizes a sense of community and connection between people. The name is intended to present the basic aim of association's work, focusing on development of community and civil society, while fighting for social inclusion.  Association members are professionals in human and social sciences, aiming to raise work standards in provision of social services and community development.
The vision of the organization is a society ruled by social justice, the involvement of citizens in solving community issues; a society in which conditions are created for the full realization of the potential of every citizen; a society of tolerance and acceptance of diversity, a society that is environmentally friendly and focused on sustainable development; a society in which cooperation and shared leadership are the foundation of action.
Regional Volunteer Center Program - Udruga “MI” is the founder and a member of Croatian Volunteer Development Center aiming to boost development of voluntarism nationwide and influence relevant public policies. Its regional Volunteer Center Split educates volunteers, volunteer coordinators and volunteer organizers, recruits volunteers, coordinates and supports volunteer driven CSOs in Dalmatian region. Volunteer program activities are implemented within government contracted program since 2008. 
Support Center for civil society organizations (CSOs) - Udruga “MI” – Split has been implementing government funded program since 2007. It consists of non-formal education and support to CSOs in 4 neighboring counties in southern Croatia.
Building a Sustainable Community Program was implemented until 2012 in war affected communities with mission to support return of settlers, social and economic development of areas with lower opportunities. Since 2017 Udruga “MI” in partnership with UNHCR implements the project Creating welcoming communities aimed for enhanced support to the welcoming atmosphere for integration of refugees in Croatia. It includes advocacy interventions to tackle xenophobic tendencies within academic community and public at local level. This project targets primarily academic community in four university centers, stakeholders active and/or interested in protection and integration of refugees, and consequently general public through the web-based platform ( or events and media outreach.
Udruga “MI” – Split operates as the educational basis for the University of Split, students from philosophy and partners in various international projects (Erasmus, Intercept project). It conducts projects in partnership with high schools and civil society organizations aimed at promotion of UN goals of sustainable development.
Nowadays, the Association is dealing with problems related social marginalization, focusing on elderly population. The program is addressing psychological, educational and social needs of elderly citizens through counseling service for the elderly, clubs, educational and recreational activities, as well as home visits to isolated elderly citizens. Also, Association involves young people in working with the elderly which encourages intergenerational cooperation.
The Association is the founder of 3 organizations who serve same objectives and follow the same vision: 
1. Regional Charity Foundation “Kajo Dadić” - besides its own charitable work, it operates as a regional center performing some operational duties for National Foundation for Civil Society Development .
2. Non-profit social institution “MI Center for Care and Assistance” – home assistance and help for the elderly  to prolong independent living in their home.
3. Social enterprise “Zelena mreža d.o.o.”- consultancy on organizational development and cooperation.
Association “MI” – Split has been recognized as acknowledged civil society organization with long-term cooperation and partnership with public institutions and administrative bodies at local, county and national level that will enable access to relevant stakeholders. Association “MI” has capacities to meet high administrative and reporting requirements that have proved through independent audit and program check-ups provided by international and national donor and audit companies.  Activities are implemented by the team of 11 professionals from various humanistic fields and economy. The Association has experience in conducting programs of various grant providers: UNHCR, EU funds (CARDS 2002, 2003, 2004, EU for citizens, Youth in Action, IPA I, IPA II, IPA IV, ESF), embassies, national bodies (various ministries, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Office for Cooperation with NGO’s, Government of the Republic of Croatia), local and regional governance units, international organizations (AED, USAID, MATRA, CARE).

  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

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PIC: 941514011 OID: E10205668

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