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Accredited organisation

Consorzio Intercomunale Servizi Sociali di Pinerolo

Via Montebello 39, 10064, Pinerolo, Italija


Opis organizacije

CISS Pinerolo manages and delivers social welfare services and interventions for a consortium of 30 local districts, in accordance with the national Italian law 328/2000 and the Pedimont regional law 1/2004.
The main objectives of C.I.S.S. include:
1. Addressing poverty
2. Supporting for domiciliary care
3. Admission to residential care for people who are not self sufficient
4. Support for family responsibility and the protection of the rights of children.
5. Integration of people with disabilities.
6. Overcome the social deprivation derived from forms of addictions and dependencies.
To realise these objectives C.I.S.S. works in partnership with the local public health authority (A.S.L. TO3) and local public, private and third sector health, social and welfare organisations.
Through its Professional Social Services, C.I.S.S. provides specific and varied services according to the type of user:
- Children and families: Support for domiciliary care (homecare by external care workers and family caregivers); Addressing poverty (financial assistance); Strengthening parenthood (family mediation, protected meetings; national and international adoption; family centres); Admission to residential care (community housing facilities); Socioeducational support (day centres, support for social and community integrationand support with scholastic integration).
- Older people: Support for domiciliary care (homecare, emergency response system, financial support for external care workers; financial support for family caregivers; Addressing poverty (financial assistance); Admission to residential care (respite care, day care and residential care)
- Adults: Addressing poverty (financial assistance, night shelters for homeless people); Intercultural mediation (to support the social integration of the migrant)
- Disabled people: Support for domiciliary care (financial support for homecare by external care workers and family caregivers); addressing poverty (financial assistance); supported integration into the workplace (workplace integration service); admission to residential care (respite care, community housing facilities, supported living apartments); Independent Living Projects; Socioeducational support (day centres, support for social and community integration, family support groups, scholastic learning support and support with scholastic integration).

Volunteers will carry out their experience within the Day Center for disabled adults called C.I.A.O. Integrated Opportunity Activities Center, located in Via Alessandro Volta n. 5 in the Municipality of Torre Pellice. The Day Center is a structure of about 500 square meters. which extends over one floor, and is suitable for hosting people with disabilities. The structure, independent on four sides with garden, is free of architectural barriers and has many spaces suitable for the various activities proposed to guests (gym, ceramic workshop, painting, DIY and manipulation, room for reading and listening to music); there is a large hall where activities such as theater and dancing are carried out and which is also used by external groups in the evening and in the evening for cultural, recreational and various activities (e.g. dance courses, motor activities, etc.). The bathrooms are suitable for people with disabilities, the kitchen and the dining room are used for the preparation and consumption of lunch; there is also an office for operators equipped with computers.
In the green space surrounding the center there is a small vegetable garden and flower beds. In the asphalted part that surrounds the Center there is a space that can be traveled with a three-wheeled bike, supplied with the service, which is used by some guests. The external part is also used for outdoor activities and for the consumption of meals in the summer.

Področja vključevanja

Ta organizacija sprejema prostovoljce, ki zaradi osebnih okoliščin težje sodelujejo pri dejavnostih, iz naslednjih kategorij in za različne vrste projektov:

  • Kulturne razlike
  • Ekonomske ovire
  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

Področje Prostovoljstvo

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Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10246415

Področja organizacije

Community development


Social assistance and welfare