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Accredited organisation


Associação da Loureira

LUGAR ESPARIDO CARREGAL LOUREIRA, 4730-270, VILA VERDE, Portugalija - +351925652769

Organizacijos aprašas

The Cultural, Recreational, Sports and Social Solidarity Association of Loureira is a private institution of Social Solidarity in the form of a non-profit association, headquartered in Loureira, Vila Verde with scope of action in the District of Braga. ACRDSS Loureira has a constitution date that dates back to 1956 and is characterized by being an IPSS and non-profit association for the promotion and support of children and young people in the region of Loureira and Vila Verde and Braga.

The Association's main objectives are to support children and young people, including children and young people in danger, support for the family, support elderly or disabled people and support social and community integration, protecting people with a lack of means of support. livelihoods. In addition, the promotion of social solidarity, sport, culture, leisure and recreation, as well as education and professional training of the populations within the scope of its action, is also part of the mission principles of the creation of ACRDSS Loureira.

In the ACRDSS Loureira's activity plan, it is characterized by activities to support children, young people, families, the elderly and physically or psychologically disabled people. ACRDSS Loureira is characterized by being an element of concertation of the intervention of several support entities with a geographical scope of action in the region of Vila Verde and Braga.

ACRDSS Loureira's ambition is to develop support projects for young people and children with the promotion of a community space where support projects are developed for the other IPSS intervention focus groups. Thus, it aims to promote the improvement of the quality of life of the population vulnerable to social risk, in particular children and adolescents with or without family and / or institutional support, through the promotion of psychosocial, educational, training projects and activities and cultural.

At this stage, the team is made up of its governing bodies, with experiences in different areas, from Social, Legal, Youth Workers, Sports, Banking, etc., available members, with ambition and willingness to develop the work of ACRDSS Loureira in the best way, taking into account the geographical area of ​​action.

It is a member of the Social Network of the Municipality of Vila Verde and is legalized as a non-profit association with the quality of Private Institution of Social Solidarity.

ACRDSS Loureira develops in its activity plan actions to complete the opportunities and support for young people and children, thus allowing them to obtain useful skills for the day to day and the future of the young people involved. In addition, it provides important social support in the parish of Loureira with support for the elderly and the most needy.

Su įtrauktimi susijusios sritys

Š i organizacija nori įtraukti savanorius, kuriems dėl įvairių priežasčių yra sunkiau dalyvauti įvairioje šių kategorijų ir projektų veikloje:

  • Kultūriniai skirtumai
  • Mokymosi sunkumai
  • Socialinės kliūtys
  • Organizacija turi Europos solidarumo korpuso kokybės ženklą. Kokybės ženklu patvirtinama, kad organizacija yra pasirengusi vykdyti projektus laikydamasi Europos solidarumo korpuso principų ir tikslų.

Taikymo sritis Savanorišką veiklą

Funkcija Galiojimo pabaigos data
Hosting 31/12/2027
Rėmimas 31/12/2027
OID: E10244553

Organizacijos veiklos sritys


European identity and values
