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Accredited organisation

ASBL Don Bosco Jette

Don Bosco Ganshoren

Rue Victor Lowet, 1083, Ganshoren, Belgien - +3224649530

Beskrivelse af organisationen

In 1994 DB Ganshoren opened its boarding house with the mission to foster and accomodate children and young people till 25y old.
Currentle, the organisation exists of following department:

- boarding school for residential care and education. The current group exists of boys and girls from different religious, social and cultural backgrounds.
60% of the children are followed by an institute for youth care, are placed there by the social service of juvenil court or are send by the social service. Children staying inthe boarding school are going to schools in the neighbourhood. During free moments, evenings, mornings, afternoons, different activities are offered and guided by the educators.

- a student residence: Students from 18-25y old who ar estudying in Brussels can rent a room here. A part of this separate building is also reserved for a group of 18y young adults who are in 'traing' to live by themselves. The students are also invited to volunteer in the boarding house: f.e.: home work classes

- a house for interns, young students and professionals (20-30y) who want to live and work in the rythm of the Don Bosco sister community (meal, prayers, volunteering, ...)

- a religious community of Don Bosco sisters. 7 sisters are currently living on the premisses and are daily active in the boarding schoool and the care taking of the children. The sisters take care of the pastoral animation, hosting of different exteral grouups, diverse tasks and responsibiities connected to their vocation.

- playground and summercamp activities: a 100 children come during summer holidays to the playground where they can join in activities organized by young youth leaders.

The aobjectives of the organization are:
- welcome children and young regardless their background. Especially those with a vulnerable background, with a diifferent social mix, culture or religion. This happens in a respectfull and caring relationship.
- to offer an environent where integral education is possible. (from a reasonable, heartily and meaning giving attitude). There is eye for: care, personal guidance and develoment, the independence of every young person:; this all with the aim to have a succesfull experience in school, family, professionaly, educational;
- to create an atmosphere typical for Don Bosco setting: create a family and loving supoorting spirit, offer a listening ear, guide young people from the true and positive belief in them.
- create a place where young people can buld their newtork of social contacts; work, live and play together; grow as a whole person TOGETHER.

dB Ganshoren is an ideal volunteering place where young European volunteers can have the chance to build on a warm society, learn and develop themselves and have a greta experience. The warm presence of caring people around you will will make it easier to feel comfortable and specially to feel at home.


Denne organisation tager også imod frivillige, som af forskellige grunde har sværere ved at deltage i aktiviteter end andre. Det omfatter følgende kategorier for forskellige typer projekter:

  • Uddannelsesmæssige vanskeligheder
  • Geografiske hindringer
  • Sociale hindringer
  • Denne organisation har fået tildelt Det Europæiske Solidaritetskorps' kvalitetsmærke. Kvalitetsmærket certificerer, at organisationen i stand til at forvalte projekter i overensstemmelse med det europæiske solidaritetskorps mål og principper.

Område Frivilligt arbejde

Rolle Udløbsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10251681

Organisationens emner

Community development

Uddannelse og erhvervsuddannelse
