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Accredited organisation

Amaita Intercultura APS

via Rocco da Cesinale 11, 00154, Rome, Italija - +393281724428

Organizacijos aprašas

Amaita intercultura is an association of social promotion, active in the city of Rome and the surrounding areas. The objective of Amaita is to facilitate the interaction and sharing among people and different cultures, having as main tools international mobility, language learning, and cultural and social activities.
We consider language learning an essential tool to achieve intercultural integration and to create a sense of global citizenship. Our activities are focused on a communicative and active way of learning new languages including social meetings, non formal learning activities and international mobility projects.
Our activities are open to all public, but we have a specific focus on youth, believing in the importance of education to build a more inclusive and tolerant society.

- We hold events to promote the different cultures and to create opportunities for people to meet and share (social events, cultural events, sport events).
- We develop and support educational activities, such as information sessions and workshops for young people, also in collaboration with public schools.
- We organise and support educational projects to fight early school leaving in Rome and Velletri.
- We promote the activities of the European Union and especially the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps Programme and the opportunities for the youth.
- We promote language learning in an interactive way and based on non-formal education methodologies.
- We support the youth to develop their own projects and skills using mostly non formal education methods (coaching, mentoring)

Su įtrauktimi susijusios sritys

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Social obstacles
  • Refugees
  • Organizacija turi Europos solidarumo korpuso kokybės ženklą. Kokybės ženklu patvirtinama, kad organizacija yra pasirengusi vykdyti projektus laikydamasi Europos solidarumo korpuso principų ir tikslų.

Taikymo sritis Savanorišką veiklą

Funkcija Galiojimo pabaigos data
Rėmimas 31/12/2027
PIC: 917315712 OID: E10019067