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Accredited organisation

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service

Honcha street, 34, 14000, Chernihiv, Ukraine - +380462676822

Beskrivelse af organisationen

The Academy trains prison and penitentiary staff for more than 40 years. According to the license, the Academy trains bachelors, masters and post graduates in specialty 081 "Law", bachelors and masters in specialty 262 "Law enforcement" and bachelors in specialties 051 "Economics" and 053 "Psychology".
There are also advanced training courses for improving professional skills and qualification of the personnel (persons of average and senior commanding staff) of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine. 250 persons have an opportunity to study at these courses at the same time. Thus, 3 thousand employees improve their professional skills here annually. There are four faculties in the Academy and 10 departments.
93 academics work full-time at the Academy. Among them there are: 23 Doctors, 50 Ph.Ds., 9 Professors, 25 Associate Professors, 2 Honored Workers of Education of Ukraine and 2 Honored Lawyers of Ukraine.


Denne organisation tager også imod frivillige, som af forskellige grunde har sværere ved at deltage i aktiviteter end andre. Det omfatter følgende kategorier for forskellige typer projekter:

  • Økonomiske hindringer
  • Sociale hindringer
  • Denne organisation har fået tildelt Det Europæiske Solidaritetskorps' kvalitetsmærke. Kvalitetsmærket certificerer, at organisationen i stand til at forvalte projekter i overensstemmelse med det europæiske solidaritetskorps mål og principper.

Område Frivilligt arbejde

Rolle Udløbsdato
Støtte 31/12/2027
PIC: 899032376 OID: E10258522