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Accredited organisation

Fundación Amigó

Fundacion Amigó

Zacarías Homs, 18, 28043, Madrid, Spanien - +34 913002385

Beskrivelse af organisationen

The "AMIGO FOUNDATION" is a private non-profit organization of a foundational nature, the Founding Entity is the Foundational Council and to found it is inspired by the message, testimony and work of Luis Amigó and in the purpose and mission of the Capuchin Tertiaries (Amigonians). It was created on January 27, 1996 by agreement of the Provincial Council. The agreement is made public on April 19, 1996 before a Notary Public. This deed includes, among other documents, the statutes by which the Foundation is governed. It was approved as a Charitable-Assistance Foundation by the Ministerial Order of July 26, 1996 and published in the Official State Gazette on July 30, 1996 and Registered under number 28/1022 in the Registry of Foundations dependent on the Ministry of Work and Social Affairs.
The activities of the Foundation contribute to the social and individual transformation of excited and vulnerable people, especially with children and youth in difficulty and their families. It is based on the defense of human and childhood rights, developing its work through socio-educational and psychosocial intervention. The activity will take place in school centers, family homes, leisure centers, educational centers, cultural centers, training workshops, work in audiovisual media, development cooperation, sponsorship and volunteering.

The Foundation aims at research, training. awareness, assistance and technical cooperation in educational and social fields for human development, quality of life and improvement of prevention, assistance, integration and rehabilitation of excluded and vulnerable people, especially children, youth and adolescents who suffer abandonment, marginalization, alcoholism, drug addiction, delinquency, mistreatment, isolation and poverty in the Spanish State and / or abroad. To achieve these purposes, it may develop, among others, the following activities:

A) Promote studies and investigations that affect the beliefs of Man, Family and Society for the better knowledge of the problems and needs that affect the youth population.
Bl To promote actions aimed at sensitizing national, regional and local administrations, as well as society itself, in order to better solve the social problems that affect said population.
C) Promote initiatives of a didactic, cultural and scientific nature aimed at training and updating people who work and / or collaborate in their own centers aimed at improving Prevention, Treatment, Integration, rehabilitation and Reintegration.
D) Organize and carry out education programs for development and well-being in the autonomous, national and international spheres.
E) Promote actions for priority attention to marginalized social sectors, with specific problems or emergencies, in the face of catastrophes or extreme needs of the child and adolescent population.
F) Promote and promote social actions, incorporating marginalized groups in the programs of which they are beneficiaries, making them protagonists of their own development.
G) Develop technical assistance cooperation programs with other institutions in Spain and abroad that have the same purposes and support other institutions that share similar approaches.
H) Design, promote, carry out and coordinate congresses, seminars, seminars that can improve the social integration of these groups and establish a data bank, information center and edit publications.
I) Promote the rights of children, the participation of families and the development of humanization in places of social activity.

  • Denne organisation har fået tildelt Det Europæiske Solidaritetskorps' kvalitetsmærke. Kvalitetsmærket certificerer, at organisationen i stand til at forvalte projekter i overensstemmelse med det europæiske solidaritetskorps mål og principper.

Område Frivilligt arbejde

Rolle Udløbsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 945481893 OID: E10045011

Organisationens emner


Modtagelse og integration af flygtninge og indvandrere

Inclusion of marginalised young people