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Accredited organisation


Avnø Oasis and Avnø Højskole

Flyvervej 10, 4750, Lundby, Danimarka - +4545571500

Kuruluşun tanımı

The purpose of Vitalitetsfonden is to work for the common good (non-profit) by promoting a sustainable, fair and vital world in relation to physical and mental health, nature, economy.
To achieve the purpose, the foundation may use such methods - both commercial and non-commercial, which directly or indirectly are beneficial to the purpose, including, but not limited to,
- conduct “højskole” education and other course activities,
- own and operate sustainable businesses and projects,
- rent out premises for sustainable businesses and projects as well as housing communities.

Vitalitetsfonden is supporting the creation of the emerging Avnø Oasis ecovillage, which has three legs: A co-housing community, green entrepreneurship and a people's college. All activities in Avnø Oasis is run through Vitalitetsfonden until each leg is strong enough to become independent.

Avnø Oasis' mission is to accelerate the transition that needs to happen in regards to health, work, community & resources on the personal, cultural and social level to secure optimal living conditions for ourselves and future generations.

Avnø Oasis' vision is to be a living example of the new paradigm and an Oasis for people, who want to heal themselves, live more sustainably and contribute to the new world.

Avnø Oasis' guiding principle:
We compassionately connect to ourselves, each other & the environment and contribute towards a thriving planet.

Avnø Oasis' target group is youths and adults that want to make changes in their life as well as in the world.

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Sona erme tarihi
Hosting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

OID: E10285158

Kuruluş faaliyet konusu

Girişimciliğe ilişkin öğrenme – girişimci eğitimi

Green skills

Community development