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Accredited organisation

Alsómocsolád Község Önkormányzata

Alsómocsolád Község Önkormányzata

Rákóczi u. 21. , 7345, Alsómocsolád, Ungārija - +3672451748

Organizācijas apraksts:

Dear Unknown Young Person,

Once upon a time there was a small village in Hungary, where dreams came true. This is Alsómocsolád.
Of course, this is not a fairy tale, there is no magic.

However, there is an innovative, managerial leadership, there is a cohesive, inclusive community, there are creative ideas and there is a lot of work to be done. And, of course, there is a situation of urgency that affects many other small settlements as well. Aging, emigration, lack of services also weigh on the inhabitants of Alsómocsolád but the people living here did not accept this situation. They tried to break out of it, to find a way out using their strengths. And their results justify their efforts.
To move forward on our journey, we need new ideas, creative approach, collaborations, learning, and more work. Maybe, we just need your help.

We welcome you in our village if you want exciting, varied challenges, if you are interested in the environment, sustainability, the Silver Economy, if you want to be part of a community where everyone knows each other, where we love to be together, where health and environment are in focus.
We welcome you if you like to work in a team but you are also able to work independently, if you have ideas, you are proactive and creative, if you want to learn and you are happy to teach us.

We hope to find each other and soon we can be not only acquaintances but also friends.

Get an impression about Alsómocsolád – why we love it, why we live here:

Alsómocsolád is a small village with 320 inhabitants. It is located in one of the most disadvantaged regions of Hungary, in the Hegyhát (Ridge of the Hill) district of the Southern Transdanubian region.
In addition to the mandatory tasks of local governments, it provides several voluntary services to its residents. It operates a 46-person nursing home, maintains a 40-bed guest house, a 44-bed student hostel and a conference centre for 120 people through its non-profit ltd.

In addition to the development of tourism, we put great emphasis on local economy development through the “Our Own Bread Economy Development Program” that includes support for business development, building renovation support, animal placement programs and the use of local currency. With this project, in 2015, our local government won the EOQ MNB “Quality Innovation of the Year” award.

As a Smart Village and as a member of the Észak-Hegyhát Micro-Region Union, which is the first Smart region of Hungary, we make great efforts for the sustainable and smart development of our village and the micro-region.
In 2021, we developed a “Settlement Smart Mirror” Methodological Guide that allows settlements of less than 5,000 inhabitants to have an objective self-assessment in the process of becoming a Smart Village.

In our future plans, we will focus on developing the Silver Economy.

Both Alsómocsolád and the "Észak-Hegyhát" Micro-Regional Association are Come Along members of the Smart Rural 21 program that focuses on smart rural development and sustainable community solutions.

In 2021, the Municipality of Alsómocsolád was the first in Hungary to be awarded the European Excellent Governance Trademark (ELoGE). Also in this year we won the “Digital Village of the Year” award from the Digital Welfare Program, the Civital Sapiens Smart City Knowledge Centre and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology in the Innovative Urban Environment category.

Alsómocsolád is a member of the “Hét Patak Gyöngye” (Pearl of the Seven Streams) Nature Park that has been operating for 10 years as a member of the National Association of Nature Parks for the preservation of the landscape, environmental and cultural values of the region, and for environmental education and rural development.

The biggest challenge for Alsómocsolád is depopulation and the aging of the population. Many developments and investments are in progress or are still being planned in the settlement; we would like to invite volunteers to help in their implementation, to involve new ideas and creative visions. We believe that by hosting volunteers, we ourselves can learn a lot about collaboration, communication, and conflict management as an organization, but our goal is also to prove that Alsómocsolád is an open, inclusive, cooperating village at the community level as well.

As a Support organization, we want our young people to gain experience as volunteers, if volunteering abroad motivates them to learn languages, if volunteering becomes a natural, trendy thing. Although the emigration of young people is a problem, we believe that we still need to give them the opportunity to gain experience, in the hope that they will become adults who can realize their dreams even if they are not fulfilled in Alsómocsolád.

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Loma Beigu datums
Hosting 31/12/2027
Atbalsta 31/12/2027

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PIC: 925847929 OID: E10079179

Organizācijas temati

Green skills

Community development

Digital youth work