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Accredited organisation



Avenida 25 de Abril , 6370-174, Fornos de Algodres, Portekiz - +351271701335

Kuruluşun tanımı

Associação de Promoção Social Cultural e Desportiva de Fornos de Algodres, founded in 1987, is a Social Solidarity Institution, whose objectives are:
a) Contribute to the improvement of the population's living conditions, through initiatives and undertakings that support Children, Youth, Senior Citizens and Citizens with Disabilities or Incapacity;
b) Planning, promotion, development, participation and management of social, cultural, sporting, recreational, charity, broadcasting, training and professional development activities;
c) Promotion of new opportunities, namely information and communication technologies, equal rights and opportunities between women and men, as well as the elimination of all forms of discrimination in the exercise of activities;
d) Ecological and environmental preservation activities and development actions that contribute to the well-being of populations;
e) Organization of colloquiums, conferences, seminars of the aforementioned activities, as well as support in the organization of processes and provision of services for the execution of the aforementioned objectives;" this in accordance with article 2 of the Articles of Association of this Institution. Thus, we could not fail to refer to the various activities that it has carried out in various areas, such as the most vulnerable groups in the community, to professional training and development projects, and to programs that encourage the socio-professional insertion of the most disadvantaged .
The Associação de Promoção Social Cultural e Desportiva de Fornos de Algodres plays an important role in the economic and social development of the municipality of Fornos de Algodres. In this way, it has a dynamic structure in place that meets the immediate needs of the most needy population in this community.
Thus, this institution has been undergoing a series of changes to its organizational chart in order to be able to respond in the most convenient way to the needs of this community.
In 2002 this institution was readjusted to modernity, having created at the time several poles linked to the general principles of creation of this Association. However, in the course of the evolution of the local, regional and even national situation, adaptations and expansions to the existing organizational chart were necessary.
Thus, currently this institution is divided into several poles, which in turn encompass a series of areas, namely, Nursery, CATL Jardim, CATL Primary School, Day Centres, Night Centres, Occupational Activities Centre, Radio Imagem.

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Sona erme tarihi
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 939292420 OID: E10079194

Kuruluş faaliyet konusu

Community development


Inclusion of marginalised young people