Zavod Kajžica, montessori za male in velike

Zavod Kajžica, montessori za male in velike


Britof 117, 4000, Kranj, Slovenia - +38640469665

descrierea organizației

Kajžica is a Montessori community that offers support to families in education and self-realization processes in an enviroment that is professional, emhatic and breathes the Montessori philosophy. Our activities: we offer daycare for preschoolers, weekly montessori lessons and workshops. Homeschoolers are daily involved in our community's activities of learning, preparing meals and outdoor activities. We support families and parents by advising, educating and materials. We connect with other Montessori teachers and share knowledge and experience with eachother. The goal is to co-create a working, loving and and explorative atmosphere for the children and adults to have a responsible, sustainable, nonviolent relationship with ourselves, other and the world, at the same time to instill a knowing that we are interconnected and codependent with all there is. We encourage the children to develop healthy amibitions, processes that help self-exploration, an inclusive relationship, self-control and authentic, connecting way of communicating. We would like to create a better world.

Goal groups: preschoolers, homeschoolers

Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
De sprijin31/12/2027
OID: E10280536
Ultima actualizare 10/06/24

Tematica organizației

Community development

Quality and innovation of youth work

Preventing racism and discrimination