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Accredited organisation

Asociación de Gestión Docente y Cultural

Asociación de Gestión Docente y Cultural

Calle Eduardo Barreiros 6, 28041, Madrid, Spanien - +34 913 17 84 41

Beskrivning av organisationen

Asociación de Gestión Docente y Cultural, hereinafter AGDC, is the entity that manages the centres Centro Educativo Ponce de León, Centro Ocupacional Ponce de León and Centro Especial de Empleo Ponce de León.

Although all the spaces are managed by AGDC, each of them has its own objectives and different activities, as they do not address the same target groups:

Centro Educativo Ponce de León (Educational Centre).
The school has 2 educational lines integrated in the same centre:
a) The Regular Education line with preferential integration of deaf people, with a singular ratio (five deaf pupils and fifteen hearing pupils per classroom), which includes: Preschool, Elementary Shool, Middle School, Medium level of vocational education in Digital Pre-Printing and Higher level of vocational education in Communicative Mediation (the general competence of this qualification is to develop interventions in communicative mediation for deaf, deafblind and hearing impaired people).
b) The Special Education line, which includes: Compulsory Basic Education (6 to 18 years), Transition to Adult Life Programmes and Vocational Programmes (related to gardening, electricity or cosmetics).
Deaf and hearing people coexist in the centre, sharing the Spanish Oral Language and the Spanish Sign Language.
The school also has a Guidance Department, a specialised support resource of a pedagogical nature, which is at the disposal of the school in order to collaborate in the development of the educational objectives.

Centro Ocupacional Ponce de León (Occupational Centre).
The centre works so that adults with intellectual disabilities can improve their quality of life by generating satisfactory life projects.
It is also a reference in specialised care for both deaf and hearing people, providing the appropriate languages for each individual. All users are adults with intellectual disabilities who are not severely affected.
At the Occupational Centre we provide all our users, deaf and hearing, with training in knowledge, habits, skills and values, through appropriate languages, so that they can become autonomous adults capable of integrating socially and occupationally in our society.
Depending on the characteristics of each user, their skills and autonomy are maintained and improved, favouring the development of their professional, personal and social skills, always following quality criteria and in constant renovation and adaptation to the needs of our environment.

Centro Especial de Empleo Ponce de León (Employment Center for Special Needs)
We provide our employees, both deaf and hearing, with training in professional knowledge (Graphic Arts sector), habits, skills and values, through the appropriate languages, so that they can become autonomous people capable of integrating socially and occupationally into our society.

Our mission is to achieve the maximum personal and capacity development of our students, users and workers, deaf and hearing, through an integral education, based on an inclusive project that values and attends to all the educational and communication needs of our entire community.

  • Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärverksamhet

Roll T.o.m.
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10286896

Organisationens inriktning

Community development


Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide