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Accredited organisation

Umweltzentrum Fulda für Nachhaltigkeit, Gartenkultur und Tierpädagogik e.V.

Johannisstrasse 44, 36041, Fulda, Vokietija - +496619709790

Organizacijos aprašas

For more than 25 years the Umweltzentrum Fulda engages with its local network, it’s many volunteers as well as a special place of research and study in the global transformation to a more responsible and sustainable way of living. Located close to the river “Fulda” and surrounded by a landscape garden with beautiful nature of its water meadows, the Umweltzentrum itself aims to be a hub for ideas, visions, discussion and exchange but also for scientific research or the concrete realisation of possible solutions. Large community garden areas, a greenhouse, a workshop with a wide scale of tools, seminar rooms as well as offices for employees and volunteers create plenty of room and resources for all different kinds of engagement.
What are your tasks?
On a daily basis, different groups and organisations use our facilities: School and kindergarten classes come to learn about gardening, our eco-system, the climate and many more topics, either in our large seminar room or the outside areas.
Your task is to assist and support the seminars, prepare the educational materials, the space and helping the attendees to find what they need to feel comfortable.
The team of the Umweltzentrum is friendly and attentive towards visitors. It is important for our work to get in contact to people and find out, what they are expecting from us. Some may look for information, some want to use our facilities, some want to talk or help our work, some just want ice cream. Anyway, it can be your task to give everybody a friendly welcome and some orientation.
We are working on a transition towards a sustainable development of our culture. Our guideline are the 17 Goals of Sustainable Development of the United Nations. We are aware, that we can only reach these goals as a global community with a deep intercultural exchange.
Your task could be to get an expert on that 17 goals each by each in our region and to reflect and discuss with us and our guests, how we could become better in aiming them. Maybe you can share your experiences with us and maybe we can make a video for our social-media-channels with you.
Life on planet earth is what we commit ourself to. We do not only want to stop climate change, extinction and emission. We want people to love animals and plants in their impressively huge diversity. We want them to feel connected with nature, being part of nature and happy with it. It could be your job, to let our visitors get in touch with nature. There are many ways to do so. You will find your own one. Lots of herbs, vegetables, bushes and trees in our garden need some care as well as bees, bugs and ants which are living with us.

  • Organizacija turi Europos solidarumo korpuso kokybės ženklą. Kokybės ženklu patvirtinama, kad organizacija yra pasirengusi vykdyti projektus laikydamasi Europos solidarumo korpuso principų ir tikslų.

Taikymo sritis Savanorišką veiklą

Funkcija Galiojimo pabaigos data
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10281531

Organizacijos veiklos sritys

Green skills

Community development

Quality and innovation of youth work