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Accredited organisation



Paraje de la Ermita n 1-A, de Tallante, 30398, Cartagena, Španija

+34 687 53 75 05

Opis organizacije

The idea of setting up the Peñas Blancas school was born in 2012 and 2013. We understand education as a respectful accompaniment of development, based on trust in the capacity of each child and respect for his or her autonomy and self- initiative to learn and develop as a person. We believe that authentic learning is that which takes place through experience and the discovery of the world around us. And we believe that learning should have as its object any subject of interest that allows development on the cognitive, affective, social and/or psychomotor levels.

Our educational proposal is based on:
- Respect for people, for the environment and for a democratic coexistence in the society in which we live.
- Self-regulation or trust in the child as the main person responsible for deciding and directing their own learning process.
- Experiential learning.
- Democracy as the best way of living together in society, based on the equality of all to act freely to: express ideas, propose initiatives, participate in activities and make decisions.
- Groupings of different ages create a more natural and similar environment to that of society, so that children learn to relate to and live together with other children of different ages.
- Prepared environment.
- Free play.
- Creativity.
- The role of the accompanying person.
- Secularism and ideological independence.

  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

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Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10296759