Associação BioLiving

Associação BioLiving

Rua do Outeiro, Frossos , 3850-635, Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal - +351935293911

beschrijving van de organisatie

Associação BioLiving’s objectives are, among others, to promote sustainability through the engagement in environmental citizenship and public participation for the protection of nature while boosting the social economy and fostering inclusion, peace and solidarity, using education, natural resources and the protection of nature as leitmotiv. BioLiving's operating
model focuses on the proximity with communities, municipalities, schools, companies and other NGOs. We believe that working in partnership with the the stakeholders and populations facilitates the dialogue and the search for solutions for environmental education and nature conservation and their involvement and interest in environmental issues is more
effectively promoted. BioLiving’s team includes biologists, forest engineers, land planners, ecotourism and sports professionals, designers and marketeers, historians and professional environmental educators/science communicators.
Since 2016, over 60.000 trees were planted, 20ha of degraded habitats restored, 4 scholarships financed, 400+ environmental action promoted to the general public, 800+ environmental actions in schools and universities, several volunteering programs promoted (100+ volunteers/year), 10 summer volunteer international workcamps and about 40 training actions ministered.
BioLiving counts with a team of collaborators and volunteers that exceeds 30 people who are passionate and actively involved in nature conservation and environmental education.

Deze organisatie heeft het kwaliteitskeurmerk van het Europees Solidariteitskorps gekregen. Dit keurmerk garandeert dat de organisatie in staat is projecten uit te voeren volgens de beginselen en doelstellingen van het Europees Solidariteitskorps.

Soort activiteit Vrijwilligerswerk

Rol Vervaldatum
PIC: 913145003 OID: E10071482