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Accredited organisation



Bethlen Gábor, 16, 535600, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Románia


A szervezet leírása

Our organization’s main goal is to enrich the lives of people by using innovative methods related with filmmaking (which includes planning, synthesizing topics, shooting and cutting the film, and planning the ways of presentation). Filmmaking is a complex process and involves many stages starting with an initial idea or story which follows a screenwriting, pre-production, shooting, sound-production and screening and could end with an exhibition. Filmmaking is a great way of developing our ideas, synthesizing ideas, team work, presenting a topic and ourselves in the same time, overall we can say it is a great way for self development and to present societal challenges in an effective way.
We are teaching on one hand how to do filmmaking from the technical and artistic perspective and on the other hand giving the opportunity for people to practice it in real life. Our main target group are young people but we are open for the older generation as well. Experienced members of our association have been active in local youth organizations in recent years and gathered experience. Then we started working together and organizing smaller local events in the last few years. We organized small film clubs and training courses for high school students and young people, where they could learn the basics of photography and videography, and design. With our experienced psychologist, we also organized several self-knowledge and career orientation workshops for young graduates.

  • Ez a szervezet az Európai Szolidaritási Testület minőségi védjegyével rendelkezik. A minőségi védjegy tanúsítja, hogy a szervezet képes olyan projekteket szervezni és megvalósítani, melyek összhangban vannak az Európai Szolidaritási Testület elveivel és célkitűzéseivel.

Alkalmazási kör Önkéntes tevékenységek

Szerep Akkreditáció lejárata
Hosting 31/12/2027
Támogatás 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

OID: E10309005