Youth Opportunities Club

Youth Opportunities Club

Kurghinyan 11 str., 15apt. , Unknown, Yerevan, Armenia - +37498260022

organizācijas apraksts:

The policy of YOC NGO, which carries out its activities in the Kapan Enlarged Community, is based on equality and giving the youth the knowledge they need to be successful in their fields. We consider people of any social, racial, religious, and sexual orientation to be involved in our organisation. As we are active in digital environment, it is vital that the youngsters of our country know their rights as authors when using social media.
The subject and problems of the organisation are:
Holding different types of events promoting the development of the youth skills,guiding them into participating in volunteering activities.
Organising and holding events supporting youth’s healthy lifestyle, such as expeditions, tours throughout Syunik Province.
Implementing different kinds of courses with the youngsters with fewer opportunities, especially those who live in Kapan Enlarged Community (a border city). We aim to create alternative job places for young people, especially in the business field.
Each citizen of any country who wants to participate in its activities and accepts the clauses prescribed by the organisation's legislation can become our member. The individual aged 14-35 wishing to become an organisation member renders a written application to the organisation's Executive Body. The activity principles of the organisation are legality,publicity, non-discrimination, volunteering of the membership, self-control, equality of rights, conscientiousness, and accountability.

Šai organizācijai ir piešķirta Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa kvalitātes zīme. Kvalitātes zīme apliecina, ka organizācija spēj īstenot projektus saskaņā ar Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa principiem un mērķiem.

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PIC: 905235429 OID: E10017413