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Accredited organisation

Vestfold og Telemark fylkeskommune Oppfølgingstjenesten

Nordbyen, Tønsberg, 3111, Norge

+4791 69 36 06

Beskrivning av organisationen

The service is for youth between 15 and 21 years old that have the right to upper secondary education, but
- have not applied for high school or apprenticeship
- have not accepted the allocated school or apprenticeship
- have interrupted the training before it is finished
- are not working
- have lost the right to education due to expulsion or termination of apprenticeship / education contract

The follow-up service will help with getting training, work or competence-enhancing measures, or a combination of these. The training shall, as far as possible, lead to study competence, vocational competence or basic competence.

The follow-up service sends an inquiry to anyone who is not listed with a school place, apprenticeship or diploma / certificate of competence.

  • Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärverksamhet

Roll T.o.m.
Stödjande 31/12/2027
PIC: 821227062 OID: E10302916