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Accredited organisation

Turkish Green Crescent Society

Green Crescent

Hocapaşa Mh. Kennedy Cd. No:3 Sirkeci , 34110, Istanbul, Turcija - +902125271683

Organizācijas apraksts:

The Green Crescent was established by Dr Mazhar Osman Uzman and his companions with the permission of the Sultan Vahdeddin and under the auspices of the Shayk al-Islam of the time, İbrahim Haydarizade, in Istanbul on March 5, 1920, with the name of “Hilal-i Ahdar” in order to prevent the popularization of alcohol and drugs within the society and the destruction of spirit of tackling against the occupation by the occupying forces during and after the First World War. The name “Hilal-i Ahdar” was changed as “Green Crescent” later, and “the status of public benefit association” was granted in 1934 with the resolution of Council of Ministers during the Presidency of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the Prime Ministry of İsmet İnönü.
Green Crescent is a non-governmental organization that endeavors to protect society and young people from harmful habits, without discrimination, in accordance with the principles of human honor and respect, tackles with the addictions by protecting the national and moral values and using scientific methods and carries out preventive and rehabilitative public health and advocacy studies. As the types of addictions has increased since the foundation, the fields of operation in the Statute of the Turkish Green Crescent Society has also become diversified; following the alcohol addiction, tobacco, drugs, gambling, and, recently, technology addictions are included into the Green Crescent’s area of tackling.
When the fields of operation are reviewed;
- The Green Crescent takes the EFQM Excellence Model as the base in its studies and in quality management. It meets the social needs and expectations and the demands of its target groups, members, volunteers, and shareholders with the approach of excellence model.
- It carries out the research and development activities using the scientific and evidence-based methods in tackling addictions and produces and implements projects based on the results.
- The Green Crescent supports scientific and academic studies. Establishing a documentation center, it publishes newspapers, journals, books, and newsletters through the publications of the Green Crescent.
- It aims to reach to large masses by strengthening its member and volunteer network and conducting domestic and foreign organization studies.
- In tackling with addictions, it considers the printed and visual media, Internet and social media networks as an active area of tackling and attempts to communicate its messages to all segments of the society.
- It creates and popularizes the Green Crescent consciousness and awareness regarding the addictions among children and youth by establishing Green Crescent Clubs in primary, secondary and high schools as well as universities.
- It prepares curriculums intended for tackling with addictions for non-formal and formal education institutions, creates contents for face-to-face and distance education, and actively participates in educational channels in tackling with the addictions.
- It takes part or lead in the formation of international umbrella organizations tackling with addictions around the world.
- It attempts to expand social awareness by conducting advocacy studies for the improvement of legislation in tackling with addictions.
- It attempts to expand the awareness related to addictions through nation-wide activities and events.
- It conducts joint projects and activities with institutions and organizations in relation with its field of operation. It participates in national and international unions, umbrella organizations, and federations, and develops an effective cooperation with all shareholders in relation with its field of operation.
- It provides free psychologic and social service support to those with tobacco, alcohol, substance, internet, and gambling problems through clinical psychologists and social service specialists at the Green Crescent Counseling Centers (YEDAM). In the meanwhile, it gives support to their families and relatives to repair their disrupted living order and to maintain their relationships healthy.

  • Šai organizācijai ir piešķirta Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa kvalitātes zīme. Kvalitātes zīme apliecina, ka organizācija spēj īstenot projektus saskaņā ar Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa principiem un mērķiem.

Joma Brīvprātīgais darbs

Loma Beigu datums
Hosting 31/12/2027
Atbalsta 31/12/2027
PIC: 940818521 OID: E10172358

Organizācijas temati

Community development

Disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery