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Rue Victor Duruy , 72650, 72650 - ST SATURNIN, Francija - +33243292150

Organizācijas apraksts:

LES HORIZONS is a private secular professional high school, under association contract with the State, establishment of service to the person and the territory, and social work. It depends on the Ministry of Agriculture. The establishment is 70 years old. It is the result of the merger of local schools in the Sarthe (household centers administered by the MSA then managed by an association), before becoming in 1989, under an association contract with the State, the high school that we know today. It extends over 2 sites in the department of Sarthe, ST SATURNIN on the northern outskirts of the city of Le Mans and SAINT GERVAIS EN BELIN in the south of the department, and welcomes around 350 learners. The establishment has a wooded park, a large car park, a library, a self-catering and a boarding school, as well as 6 professional workshops. Accessible to people with disabilities, the St Saturnin site is equipped, among other things, with a lift and a PMR room.
The school is built around a management team, a multidisciplinary teaching team of 34 teachers from the Ministry of Agriculture, an administrative and school life team as well as a versatile reception and accommodation team, distributed over the two sites.

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Hosting 31/12/2027
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