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Accredited organisation

weniger e.V.


Bahnhofstr. 63, 58452, Witten, Tyskland - +4923029834067

Beskrivelse af organisationen

As an association, we run different projects that support our purpose: actively helping society to change to a sustainable future. We organise a lot of CleanUps! Bringing people together to clean up the environment is a very useful strategy to us, because aside from the direct impact of less waste in nature, it raises awareness for the issue. We go to schools to pick up trash with kids and talk about why that is useful / necessary and what would have to happen so there won't be any more trash in the future. Another example: we are currently establishing a repair-café with the main focus on bicycles. People can come in and get access to all the tools and help to self-repair their bikes.

  • Denne organisation har fået tildelt Det Europæiske Solidaritetskorps' kvalitetsmærke. Kvalitetsmærket certificerer, at organisationen i stand til at forvalte projekter i overensstemmelse med det europæiske solidaritetskorps mål og principper.

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Rolle Udløbsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10328382