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Accredited organisation

Associação Santuário Animal Vida Boa - Proteção e Preservação dos Animais e Natureza

Santuário Animal Vida Boa

Quinta Vessada de Baixo, 5425-011, Anelhe, Portugali


Järjestön kuvaus

Vida Boa Animal Sanctuary (SAVB) was born in order to provide animals in general a Good Life. In order to achieve this, and as a result of the work carried out for more than a decade by its founders in various projects in the field of animal protection, this non-profit organization was created in 2017.

Its focus is to improve the living conditions of the sheltered animals while, at the same time, raising the community's awareness related to animal rights and environmental sustainability. In order to achieve these goals, SAVB houses farm and companion animals (30 cats, 54 dogs, 10 sheep, 9 goats, 1 cow, 2 mares, 5 chicken and 2 pigs) with very low probablity of adoption, due to health problems or old age. We take care of their accommodation, environmental richness and daily care.

Our mission also involves developing education actions about animal welfare and nature conservation, with special focus on children and teenagers. We believe that education is the basis of change and awareness. In addition, in partnership with DTC Social®, we develop Animal-Assisted Interventions with various population groups at risk of social exclusion, namely the elderly, people with disabilities, prisoners, as well as institutionalized children and teenagers.

Therefore, we act synergistically in topics such as animal welfare, community development and ecology.

  • Tällä organisaatiolla on Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen laatumerkki. Laatumerkki varmistaa, että organisaatio kykenee järjestämään Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen periaatteiden ja tavoitteiden mukaisia hankkeita.

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Rooli Voimassaolo päättyy
Hosting 31/12/2027

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PIC: 877344146 OID: E10264096