Salomon’s Mines – Polishing the Diamonds...

Salomon’s Mines – Polishing the Diamonds...

Chrześcijańskie Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjne

Zielona Góra, Poland

3 , Folyamatban


Kopalnie Salomona - Szlifujemy Diamenty /Salomon’s Mines – Polishing the Diamonds/... is a project of the group European Voluntary Service which will be realized in the Christian Primary School ”Salomon” in Zielona Góra. The main objective of the project is to develop pupils and volunteers in different areas during the extracurricular classes. Three volunteers supervised by a teacher will help during classes for children, increasing their skills in such areas as general knowledge, foreign languages, arts (art, music, theatre, technical classes) and sports. Volunteers’ work will take place at school on working days for 7 months. Volunteers who are at school will in the first place work with teachers working in common rooms. A volunteer will help the teacher – they will work together and in time volunteers will be able to conduct some activities on their own (games with kids, creating arts works, sports, teaching songs in a foreign language etc.....


Szállás, étkezés és utazás

Practical arrangements for the volunteer: Food: about 100 Euro Volunteers will get money for food and prepare themselves their food. Pocket money: 85 Euro Accommodation: Volunteers will be lodged together in rented flat. Transport: Volunteer will get personal ticket for the whole term. Transport to the camps, and trainings will be covered by host organization. Lenguage: A volunteer will have an opportunity for learning Polish 4 hours per week


Képzés a projekt tartama alatt

Trainings for the volunteer: 1. Pre-Departure Training, organized by SENDING ORGANISATION: 2. On-Arrival Training, organized by - NA of program Erasmus + Youth 3. Mid-term training organized by - NA of program Erasmus + Youth 4. Final Evaluation, organized by SENDING ORGANISATION:


Kik jelentkezhetnek?

A volunteer should: - be open to cooperation and willing to act - agree to participate in activities throughout the duration of the contract and the training prepared for volunteers - have sufficient motivation to work with children aged 6-13


Hogyan kell jelentkezni?

The recruitment process - A volunteer should send a cover letter and resume (power point presentation would be nice). We will select the volunteers who quickly respond to the offer of voluntary work and best fit to the profile


Kapcsolódó linkek of our volunteers

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

A projekt időtartama

Összesen 23 hét 20/03/2017 és 31/08/2017 között

A projekt helyszíne

Os Pomorskie 13, 65-001 Zielona Góra Poland

Ebből az országból várunk önkénteseket

Spanyolország, Szlovákia, Portugália, Németország, Észtország, Azores, Haiti, Guinea, Tádzsikisztán, Magyarország


Kreativitás és kultúra

Ifjúság (fiatalok részvétele, ifjúsági munka, ifjúságpolitika)

Idegennyelv-tanulás és -tanítás

Jelentkezés határideje

Jelentkezés határideje: 20/03/2017


Name: Mariusz

Phone: +48 602657077

Fogadó szervezet

Chrzescijanskie Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjne

Zielona Góra, Lengyelország

Küldő szervezet

Messzelátó Egyesület

Budapest, Magyarország


MADRID, Spanyolország


Cruz-Quebrada, Portugália