NGO lobiu dirbtuves

Vilnius, Lithuania

1 , Miftuħa

Deskrizzjoni tal-proġett

Our organisation „Atelier of Treasures“ is waiting for you to be a part of our catholic community together with adults with mental dissabilities, craftsman, social worker and lithuanian volunteers. We work in a team and wish to live a full life working and celebrating. Wood atelier is in a beautiful village 10km from the capital, where we come each day to create things from wood We work in a team and wish to live a full life working and celebrating. Wood atelier is in a beautiful village 10km from the capital, where we come each day to create things from wood. The main task for the volunteer is to assist people with special needs in their daily work: to teach the rythm of work, to help them in oder they would be able to make things by themselves, to work together creating wooden things, to eat together, to spend time together in the creating wooden things, to eat together, to spend time together in the celebrations, festivals and camps.


Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

You will live in the flat together with other volunteers in Vilnius. You will get access to online lithuanian language course and assistance in your non-formal learning process. Your volunteering service is paid by EU (travel, insurance, language courses, accomodation) and you‘ll get 220 eur of pocket money.


Taħriġ matul il-proġett

- on-arrival; - mid-term.


Profil tal-voluntier

We are searching for open-minded and motivated person


Kif għandek tapplika

Send us an email with your CV and a covering letter


Links relatati

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dati tal-Proġett

Total ta' ġimgħat: 1 . Perjodu: 01/09/2019 sa 30/09/2020

Il-post tal-proġett

čekoniškės, Vilnius Lithuania

Qed ifittxu voluntiera minn

l-Albanija, l-Armenja, l-Awstrija, l-Ażerbajġan, il-Bożnija-Ħerzegovina, il-Belġju, il-Bulgarija, il-Belarussja, Ċipru, ir-Repubblika Ċeka, il-Ġermanja, id-Danimarka, l-Alġerija, l-Estonja, l-Eġittu, il-Greċja, Spanja, il-Finlandja, Franza, il-Georgia

Suġġetti tal-proġett

Diżabilitajiet - bżonnijiet speċjali

Community development

Aċċess għal min hu żvantaġġat

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 28/06/2019


Name: Ieva

Phone: +37060455708

Organizzazzjoni ospitanti

VsI. Lobiu dirbtuves

Mozuriskes, il-Litwanja

Organizzazzjoni li tibgħat



Organizzazzjoni li tikkoordina

VsI. Lobiu dirbtuves

Mozuriskes, il-Litwanja