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An Cór Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpach

I dteannta a chéile is treise sinn

"Zavod O - KeepUp" EVS project in Slovenia

ZAVOD O, Zavod škofjeloške mladine

Zavod O, zavod škofjeloške mladine

Škofja Loka, an tSlóivéin

Cur síos

One EVS volunteer is needed to take part in the longterm EVS project named "Zavod O – KeepUp". The idea of the proposed project is to include one EVS volunteer in the regular work of youth center, its sections and activities. He/she would be involed in youth center as an equal member of the staff and as such he/ she is supposed to help performing personel with administration and verious other tasks connected with the performance of the youth center's four sections. Volunteer will have an oppertunity to show and improve his/her own abilities,develop sense of initiative,gain new skills and get new knowledge throught organizing, realizing and supporting different activities of the youth center (workshops, courses, theatre plays, presentations, lectures, concerts, exhibitions and other events,maintenance,video and photo production, web administration, graphic design, painting, sculpturing, drawing, promotion...).

Socruithe lóistín, bia agus iompair

The volunteer will be accommodated together with the volunteers of the other EVS project (also hosted by Zavod O) in furnished apartment with WiFi, located on the main squere of Škofja Loka,old historical town with about 13000 inhabitants,25 km NW from Ljubljana. Each volunteer will stay in single bedroom with shared cooking, washing, laundry and social facilities. Volunteers will cook by themselves, monthly food allowance will be provided (180 €).They will be also entitled to receive a monthly allowance of 85 €. Bike will be provided and also tickets for public transportation (if needed).

Oiliúint le linn na gníomhaíochta

On-arrival and Mid-term training organized by Slovenian National Agency, all the trainning organized by host organisation and by some other partner organisations from local community.

Próifíl an rannpháirtí

Candidates should be motivated, flexible, patient, creative, open-minded, self-initiative, comunicative and they should be able to communicate in english. Some past experiences from pedagogy, organisation of events, leading workshops, multimedia, youth work, fields of art and youth leisure are welcomed. Ability in music, manual activities, art, multimedia would be also convenient. Future volunteer should bring in her/his own ideas into the projectand be prepared to create, plan and execute her/his own projects.

Dátaí na Gníomhaíochta

Ón 07/07/2017 go dtí an 07/07/2018

Suíomh na Gníomhaíochta

Mestni trg 20, Škofja Loka, an tSlóivéin

Obair dheonach aonair

Tá rannpháirtithe á lorg ó na tíortha seo a leanas

Ábhair na gníomhaíochta

Spriocdháta le haghaidh iarratas

Spriocdháta d'iarratas: 31/03/2017 23:59